Official comment

Hey David,
Thanks for waiting -- they believe there is a fault with the jog on the left deck; please contact your retailer for an exchange / replacement.
Hey David,
Thanks for waiting -- they believe there is a fault with the jog on the left deck; please contact your retailer for an exchange / replacement.
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Hey David,
Sorry to hear that - I've escalated this to our engineering team for review and comment, please hold tight!
OK great thanks.
How long should I Expect to wait for a response?
Japan had national holidays Mon/Tue, so I'm hoping soon. Thanks for your patience.
OK thanks for getting back to me. So just to clarify, it is normal for there to be some movement in the jog wheel like I have in the right hand deck aswell?
Hi David,
Both of my jog wheels have a little bit of movement in them much like your right deck. I guess that's how they are supposed to feel. That left deck does look a little suspect though.
Thanks for the info, looks as if that is the case. The left deck definitely isn't right tho. Contacted the supplier for an exchange but they are waiting on more stock.
@David > Can you please tell me which retailer you purchased from so I can be sure to get in touch with our sales team about DOA stock replacement allocation, and so we can arrange internally for our engineers to investigate that CDJ?
@alan > Yes, there may be a little movement on the plane of the jog, that's normal. If yours seems excessive from one to the other, please speak with your dealer.
Yea no worries, the dealership I bought them from is called Bop DJ.
There is excessive movement on the top touch plate compared to the other, and also the jog is alot noisier. It's like something is scraping or rubbing as seen/heard in the videos.
@David > Understood, thanks - let me see if I can get ahold of the European sales team to assist.
Bop DJ have told me they have organised to pick up my CDJ 3000 and then replace it once they receive the faulty one. Hopefully won't take to long.
Hi, I received my new CDJ3000 player today and it's worse than the one I sent back which yiur engineers said had a mechanical fault. It's very noisy and loose. Please check the video and get back to me please with your thoughts.
The jogs both seem to be correct - the scraping issue you previously described and showed on the video does not occur with the replacement, and the spin sounds normal.
Why don't you compare the video with the first one and you will find this one is alot worse, this one is whining. I will upload another video. It's pretty blatant that the two csj's are different. You can hear it clearly in the video I provided there is a massive difference.
I did - I re-watched the video and compared them as well as with my units here and they sound about the same.
Here is another video for you to check out. It is completely different to the right deck which is fine, there is even a small squeek coming from the left deck. For the money I have spent on these I expect them to be identical and for them to have no problems. It is pretty clear from the videos I have made they sound different?
Should the jogs be that warped when spinning on their axis?
In that video they sound different and yes, the left one does certainly sound louder. I'm not sure what the expected tolerances are but I will direct you to communicate with our team through your ticket to ensure you are happy with the replacement CDJs.