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Midi channels SP-16/DJS1000 with Roland MC 303

My Roland MC303 has rhythm part (ch10) and synth parts 1-7 (ch1-7). I can trigger the selected part using my djs1000 pads but when I select a new pad (and midi channel) I have to select the tone again on the 303 and I all the pads on the djs play the same tone(sound). I want to trigger each different part (different sounds from the 303) with each different pad. Do I have to send MSB/LSB/program change data to set the banks? I have tried messing with these to no avail and I don't understand fully how they work. Can you explain? I have the 303 manual and midi charts etc. Shouldn't each pad/channel just correspond to a different part in the pattern? Is it something on the 303 I need to change? I'm sure I didn't have this problem with the djs and the korg EMX... Thanks
Nick Morgan Answered

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Thanks Mattpositive for the thorough reply! Nice one!

Rhythm Droid
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Hi Nick. The MC-303 has two Midi modes: Normal Mode and Sound Module Mode.

In Normal Mode, among other things that can and cannot be done, you can't get Multi-Timbral, where as in Sound Module mode you have access to sixteen part Multi-Timbral sound sources.

You can enter Sound Module mod by turning off power, then holding the PLAY MODE down while starting the MC-303 up.

If you haven't come across this Roland supplemental notes doc: Advanced Midi Programming with the MC-303, you'll want to give that a read: https://static.roland.com/assets/media/pdf/MC303_Adv.pdf  

The DJS-1000 can do some really incredible and super weird Midi things when you assign a pad as a Midi track and then go hog wild with the various Midi CC and Notes settings. Then completely go hog insane by incorporating that into the DJS's ability to assign up to eight parameters (including various Midi parameters) for the USER1 and USER2 touch strip. 

mattpositive 0 votes
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Thanks for reply! Much appreciated you taking the time. Sorry I wanted to comment back earlier - does nobody else get stuck in feedback loops trying to sign in and comment on this forum in Chrome?? Been like this for me for years, finally tried Opera and here I am.anyway...

So yes, I was aware of sound module mode and the multi timbral limitations and have all the documentation for midi lists etc. I just wasn't sure if I was entering the correct values at the correct times. Like is it one message for bank change and then a different one for patch selection or can they be combined? I was putting in 00 and 32 in diff places and hoping for best. Anybody enlighten me in this respect? Everytime I would set a sound manually on mc303 and then try send MSB/LSB info the sound would go blank and have dashes on screen of MC (in normal mode). Similar with sound module mode but obv always start with initial patches on that.
I tried using beatstep pro and got further. Set up CC and program change message on one assigned controller pad to select a particular sound. Could set one instrument at a time. Annoying as you can't scroll through sounds, have to choose which one to assign in arturia midi control centre, load into project, then press it, not practical for real time or experimenting with patches. So basically decided it best to just jam mc303 standalone. Maybe Yamaha qy70 will be more user friendly in terms of applying program changes. Will try that this week.
Maybe when I try again in djs1000 I can incorporate the ribbon assignment into this and maybe have that select different instruments 🤔. Either way, lots more fun/banging head to be done.

Nick Morgan 0 votes
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@Nick re: problems signing into forum. I had the same issue for a year or two as well. I even opened a ticket with support but after a month of going back and forth they told me to just use a different browser (Chrome was having the problem, Safari seemed to work). That worked for a week until the same issue started happening again. Ugh - destined to only read and never post to the PioneerDJ forum. By then I figured it out - totally by luck. 

I don't know anything about what's happening under the hood, but the login issue seems to have something to do with 1) how zendesk (Forums) deals with an account login from a different web site (the account login on pioneerdj.com.) and 2) double clicking on the credentials login button. It gets confused if you have a set of saved credentials (saved by your browser) that you use to manually log into the pioneer site and/or also have a login via Google, etc - even though they could be the same set of credentials, and they are the same account until you want to use the forums. Once you are on the forums it appears you are not logged in, so you try logging in again and then you either can't post and/or get stuck in that loop. Or something. Anyway, here's how to avoid the problem using any web browser.

Don't let your browser auto-enter your credentials. Just use the Google/Facebook/Twitter option to login (eg. click Google). Then wait. And wait a few more seconds. Then you should be in. DO NOT click on the aqua sea foam green(?) LOG IN button while you're waiting because this triggers the other set of credentials to be used (which are the same but not the same). 

Did that make sense?

mattpositive 0 votes
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