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Ridgeyard 7R Beam 230W Moving Head Beam Light (Fixed channel numbers) Please fix ASAP!!

Hey guys, I FINALLY figured out what was wrong with the programming for the Ridgeyard Beam Light (Standard 16 ch) light in the RB dictionary. Earlier I had given you guys a paper from the manufacturer and you entered in the data but there is one thing that we figured out trying to replicate our issue. We detailed it in a YouTube video as well as an attached screenshot. Everything you guys programmed was right except for the channel 6 which is explained exactly why in the video below. I hope there is enough time for this to be added in tomorrows update. Thank you and sorry for the hassle.

The fixture you all added is located under Ridgeyard>Beam Light (Standard 16 ch) I believe


Screenshot of correct strobe config below but I will also attach the previous documents for the rest of the channels for reference


Lord Nikita Huttenlocher Answered

Official comment


Hello Lord,

rekordbox lighting can control DIMMER and RGB using the strobe effect when the DIMMER or RGB channels exist. However, no strobe channels of the hardware can be controlled by rekordbox.  
Beam Light has channel 5 (DIMMER) so that channel 6 (STROBE) is fixed to Open.
By selecting OFF, SLOW, MIDDLE and FAST and controlling the Lighting Panel, you can control strobe effect, but you need to set the strobe effect in the Macro Editor if you want to linearly control it.   

The feature request of controlling the hardware strobe in rekordbox was already forwarded to rekordbox lighting engineers. However, we cannot guarantee if or when such a feature can be added.

Pioneer DJ Support

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did they get the fix in this week I bot 4 of these to about 3 weeks a go






claine blackmore 0 votes
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We don't understand what your screenshot shows. Please describe by text (similarly with the manual) all DMX ranges for channel 6, from 0-255.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd


Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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This is not clear. Please follow the instructions so that we can correct the fixture and you can complete your work.
We need in a simple text a description of what the strobe channel does from 0-255.

Thank you.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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.......         1-254

OPEN - 255

That is all you guys need to know. I know it sounds weird but take my word on it.


Lord Nikita Huttenlocher 0 votes
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Unless you provide us with the information we have requested you are delaying the fix of this fixture. We cannot edit something if the information is vague.
According to your last message channel 6 is:

0: Closed
1-255: I guess from slow to fast
255: Open

Which comes in contrast with the screenshot you sent earlier which shows some values like 3 and 103. Please confirm the channels details.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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0 = closed

1-254 = slow to fast

255 = open


Lord Nikita Huttenlocher 1 vote
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Your fixture request (Ridgeyard: Beam Light) has been updated in the AtlaBase library. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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Okay so the strobe is fixed!!! No more issues with the shutter. HOWEVER, now I have no color changing (stuck on white) and also it is stuck on one gobo (not the beam)

Lord Nikita Huttenlocher 0 votes
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I have a detailed dmx map for this light that I developed myself using a controller and digital display if it would be useful. I have already tested and proven the values with other dmx softwarr.

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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Let me know if you have any trouble viewing those files.

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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One error....under ch 9 (gobo wheel). Counterclockwise wheel rotation slow to fast is 192-255, not 191-255.

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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This documentation cannot be used, it is totally different from what we received recently from the user Lord Nikita Huttenlocher. It is probably another similar fixture.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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Brian the fixture is working completely fine as of now, HOWEVER the only issue I need fixed in a library update is the colour wheel being stuck on WHITE and the gobo is not on the beam as it should be, it is stuck on some other gobo attempting to move but it does not end up moving.

Lord Nikita Huttenlocher 0 votes
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You may have to use a simple controller with digital display to verify your values on those 2 channels. It sounds like the dmx map is wrong for the color and gobo wheels.

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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Lord Nikita Huttenlocher (and the rest of the involved users). The fixture's name we are talking about is "Beam Light". Unfortunately, this kind of products without precise documentation (and product name) lead to this kind of confusion. According to the documentation we received, color and gobo wheels are made as continuous change across colors and not snap from one color to another. Not to mention that we totally have like 3-4 different document versions. The fixture called "7R Beam230" is a different one from another user request and not to be confused with the one we are talking about now.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,

AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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Yes. Its been my experience with these lights that even fixtures sold under the same brand name and model can have differing dmx mapping. And it also appears that the provided documentation is usually missing critical info and/or is not even accurate. The only way I was able to get my lights working with all supported features available and operating normally was to develop my own dmx map and values manually, channel by channel, using a hardware controller and a pad of paper to take notes on as I manipulate the light and record the results.

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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Brian I ran all my tests in Free Styler and the rest of the light is already fixed as I said. The only thing that needs solving is the color wheel and gobo

Lord Nikita Huttenlocher 0 votes
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I was then able to program my own profile for use with other software (one of your competitors) and it works brilliantly. I returned the rbdmx1 I purchased because you guys were unable to supply a working profile and it seems nearly impossible to collaborate well enough to get through our fixture issues via trial and error through email while the programming is being done by people who don't even have access to the fixture. Perhaps if you guys offered an app that allows the users to build there own profiles based on their own data (like your competitors do) I would be tempted to purchase again and give it another try, because I like the direct interface with rekordbox and the music...but being locked out of the profile programming is counterproductive.

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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Lord Nikita I feel your pain. As I said, I was forced to abandon the rbdmx1 and move on to something else fir the timebeing. I was really hoping the data I obtained for my lights would help this situation, but....

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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I don't think it is Pioneers fault or Atlabase, this is the risk you take when buying lights from off brand Chinese companies. 

Lord Nikita Huttenlocher 0 votes
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It would be difficult for users to add to the database because you would have an over load of non working profiles and users not knowing what they are doing. Also Atlabase is external to Pioneer.

Lord Nikita Huttenlocher 0 votes
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The color map I posted above should be the DMX values for the Channel 11 color wheel

Lord Nikita Huttenlocher 0 votes
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Other applications let you build your own profile for your own use. You can share them with other users, but they don't ever become a part of the public database.

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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I was able to get my lights working perfectly in an afternoon, to include stumbling through the profile building software for the first time ever. I spend 2 weeks pursuing a solution through pioneer. Sooo

Brian Hodnett 0 votes
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