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Please add Yuer 36x3W LED Flat Par Light

Fixture request for the following fixture:

Manufacturer: Yuer

Model: 36x3W LED Flat Par Light

Fixture Type: PAR

Product Website: https://aliexpress.com/item/32966351523.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.4712b90aufOoT1
(no other known)

Product Manual: image below (no online version found)

DMX Channels (7CH Mode): channels on image below

Thank you for your work. Looking Forward to have the fixture added.

Gabriel Vilella Completed

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1 comment


Please try the following fixture which already exists in the rekordbox fixture library as it seems identical to the one requested.

Manufacturer: Saitor
Fixture: 36 LED Stage Light

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - AtlaBase 0 votes
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