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Alien DH-100 Laser RGB DMX

  • Manufacturer: Alien
  • Model Name / Number: DH-100RGB
  • Fixture type (eg. par, bar, mover, FX, etc): Laser 
  • A link to the product website: n/a
  • A link to the product manual: 
  • DMX channel modes (where available): 10ch, see above


Roman Tyutyanov Not planned

Official comment


Hello Roman,

Unfortunately, no fixture with Laser is supported by rekordbox currently. 

Please see the notification from the link below. https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/115000046523-Lighting-Fixture-Request

  • Only specific DMX lighting fixture features – such as the dimmer, strobe, color and moving head (PAN/TILT) – can be controlled with Lighting mode.
  • Fixtures with other features, may not work as expected.
  • Features such as gobo, along with some effect lights, lasers, fog machines and all-in-one lighting systems, aren't supported.

Sorry for not meeting your expectation.

Pioneer DJ Support

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Thanks for your prompt reply!

I believe there is some misundestanding because i see a lot of fixtures which are actually lasers with moving parts or fog machines with lighting or strobo.

For example, there is Alien DM-G50 from the same manufacturer among supported fixtures, supported functions are X, Y, Z-axes rotation and color selection. 

I will be happy if that DH-100 will have the same limited support of functions.

For example, CH3 0-127 from above manual is an angle - so, it is actually PAN function.

CH6 0-127 and CH7 0-127 - are TILT function

Roman Tyutyanov 0 votes
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Sorry, the laser fixture may work with other lighting program, but unfortunately, rekordbox lighting does not have any way to support Laser in it yet. Please see the Alien fixtures in the supported fixture list from the link below. It seems we have supported "Alien Pro" instead of "Alien". 


Sorry for not meeting your expectation.

Pioneer DJ Support

Keiko 0 votes
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Okay, thanks.

Do you have any roadmap with information when new fixture types support will be added to rekordbox? 

This information may help all of us to plan properly investments into new lighting equipment.

Roman Tyutyanov 0 votes
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