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CDJ3000 issues


There are a raft of issues with the 3000's of which was noted and promises of fixes coming, engineers working on it and thanking us for our patience. We now see major backtracking as issues 'cannot' be replicated, which is quite frankly mind boggling. I also see requests for videos of the issues when us early adopters have already been through this process, without any forthcoming fixes at all.

We're nearly a year in.... I am now making and taking bookings, but none of the artists want to use the 3000's due to said issues that they have already experienced themselves.

So, I'm left with having to hire 2000 NSX2's, funnily enough.

My question is, are these promised fixes coming, or are they unfixable? It is time to be honest with us, the customer, and to be treated as such. Without customers, what do you have? We have a voice, but we're shutdown. Patience has gone, so please do not thank me for patience. 

As far as I see it these units are not fit for purpose, nor do they work as advertised, therefore your answers will help me decide whether to go for section 75 of the credit consumer act or not.

Greig Gaskill Answered

Official comment


I can't disclose any internal information, but rest assured that the complaints and issues are being addressed and your patience is appreciated.

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