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DJS 1000 recording channels

Been playing with DJS1000 for almost a year. Plenty of projects backed up. finally got around to sticking into DAW to construct songs (obviously feeling limit of lack of arrangement mode!!!). Noticed when rendering audio, some.annoying artefacts. Set pattern lengths are rendered so If a sample is triggered in pattern, it gets cut off at end of pattern. Kills off any longer samples, transitions, effects etc. Can't really counter act this either by rendering individual samples as FX and other editing not preserved in file on usb necessarily. Also render overwrites each time which hampers quick fire recording of variations on a theme, say if you wanted to quickly record and export different cutup vocal combos or drum rolls. Why can't this thing use the usb to send mutlitrack info to a DAW???? USB only for Midi? It would be an amazing input tool. I thought maybe record midi info of each track live into DAW then play back and retrigger each track seperately and record audio that way but no the midi channels of the DJS are used to trigger outboard stuff, or is there a way to dump the midi info of patterns?. Is there something I'm missing???
Nick Morgan

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Well this is annoying to (to say the least)....

Got a new USB stick, organised sample folders a bit better (after trying to convert lots of incompatible files from sample packs - would help if DJS gave reason for incompatibility for example displayed file characteristics), and now half of the samples are missing from the scenes as they have moved :/

They are still on the USB but in lightly different folder paths (Still same folders).

Not even a record of the file name that was in that place or a space marker or a way to manually locate new location of file..... All that hard work gone.

Nick Morgan 0 votes
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Luckily the Project Creator program can open the project files in Windows, so I reckon with some fannying around I can probably relocate the files and find a way to undo this.....

Nick Morgan 0 votes
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