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SP-16 Connection with V10 and 3 CDJs 3000


Whats the best recommended connection for a SP-16  with V10 and 3 CDJs 3000?

If I am correct:

1) the 3 cdjs will go into channels 1-3

2) the sp will go into channel 4

3) all devices connected to an ethernet hub

4) the out of the SP into the input of channel 4

5) the INPUT of the SP will come from... the rec out?

As an extra, the send return is used by the RMX-1000

Many thx!!

Pepe Camil Answered

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There are a few options, but I would use the EXT2 if you're already using EXT1 for the RMX. The reason for it is you can assign the EXT2 to any of the channels as an input, and the SEND would allow you to route any channel to it for sampling. 

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey @pulse

Im connecting the RMX into the Multi IO.

So you would recommend the RMX in an EXT and the SP on the other EXT? I thought the RMX HAD to go into the Multi IO.

Pepe Camil 0 votes
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Oh so many options on the mixer it's not even funny.

You can put both devices into EXT1 / 2, but then keep in mind that the send can only use one of those at a time, so the MULTI I/O is a good option for isolating them for simultaneous use.

Pulse 0 votes
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So, RMX 1000 Multi IO

SP - Ext 1

Mayhem and chaos to follow.

Will let you know how it works!



Pepe Camil 0 votes
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Oh, and the Toraiz monosynth into any regular channel... correcto?

Pepe Camil 0 votes
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Yep, any channel for the AS-1.

lol @ mayhem and chaos. RAIN IT DOWN! ;)

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey Pulse,

Can you  please clarify what you mentioned before:

"You can put both devices into EXT1 / 2, but then keep in mind that the send can only use one of those at a time, so the MULTI I/O is a good option for isolating them for simultaneous use."

As of now, the SP16 is in the EXT2 input, using the sends in each channel to send inputs to the SP for sampling. The RMX is on the MULTI I/O as an insert.

Thx in advance.


Pepe Camil 0 votes
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Because you can connect the RMX to EXT1 and the SP-16 to EXT2, that's fine, except for the fact that only one of the EXT devices can be used at a time - so connecting one of the devices to the MULTI I/O allows you to use both devices simultaneously.

It sounds like you have them connected properly the way you've described.

Pulse 0 votes
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Yes, all set. I had the right connections. Im using the ext 1 with the SP, control the AS1 via midi but have its output into channel 4 and the RMX into the MultiIO.

Its great that I can set the scales and root notes directly into the SP as the AS doesnt have the most expanded, easy to access menu. I will also be adding a Roland JU-06A for polyphony this week! Will let you know how that works. Just to be on the safe side:

1) COntrol AS via a Toraiz channel

2) The Juno, via midi din (output from the AS1) and assign a channel to it from the SP... correct?

Did not answer before as the login issues with the forum are a pain with mac!


Pepe Camil 0 votes
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