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DJM-V10 Audio Drop Outs & Glitches

Sound is dropping out several times during operation through the night, each time for 1 - 2 seconds. Also hearing the screen on the mixer seems to be glitching during or in addition to these audio drop outs.
Wondering if this is an isolated incident with our mixer or if there’s other reports similar to this with the V10.
Does this sound like a firmware issue or could it be hardware related?
Jayden Hackett Answered

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My V10 has now dropped sound 4 times on separate occasions. I'm running ver 1.11 firmware which is the latest. I have not noticed any glitches on my cdjs when this happens. Running standalone with usb.

Here is a video of when my sound drops out. Is that what happens to you Jayden Hackett? https://www.screencast.com/t/5PyM4yuw

 Pioneer I would appreciate you chiming in on this???

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