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Moving Beam 230 - 7R - 16 Canais - Monster Lighting


  • Fabricante - Monster Lighting
  • Nome/Número do Modelo - Moving Beam 230 - 7R - 16 Canais
  • Tipo de luminária (por exemplo, par, bar, mover, FX, etc) - Mover
  • Um link para o site do produto (não uma página de varejista, por favor!) 
  • Link para o manual do produto
  • Modos de canal DMX (quando disponível)-16canais
Grupo Rekordbox Completed

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Olá AtlaBase, os canais são compatíveis das existentes na base do softwere mais os valores dos canais não batem e as cores ficam diferente do preset feito pela pioneer, por favor adicione com os valores desse manual, eu não tenho mais informações. Obrigado e parabéns pelo trabalho <3

Grupo Rekordbox 1 vote
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Thank you for the feedback. We need to have a complete manual and a product link with all the details in order to make this library more accurate. We only have this scanned document which we don't know exactly for which product it is, plus it is missing color details.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 1 vote
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Good morning, I searched all over the internet and I couldn't find the complete manual for my lighting equipment, the only information I have is these, I ended up editing the manual so that the color settings are clear, I hope you can help me and add this my equipment. I need to use it with my DMX RB board urgently. Gratitude.

  • Fabricante - Monster Lighting
  • Nome/Número do Modelo - Moving Beam 230 - 7R - 16 Canais
  • Tipo de luminária (por exemplo, par, bar, move, FX, etc) - Mover
  • Um link para o site do produto (não uma página de varejista, por favor!) 
  • Link para o manual do produto
  • Modos de canal DMX (quando disponível)-16canais 


0-7 White light 1

8-15 Red 

16-23 Orange 

24-31 Magenta

32-39 CTB - lighting Blue

40-47 CTO FULL

48 - 55 Pink

56 - 63 light green

64 - 71 Yellow

72 - 79 White

80 - 87 darkviolet 

88 - 95 White 2

96 - 103 Cyan

104 - 111 limegreen

112 - 127 CTO

128 - 191 Rainbow effeft , antshockwise from slow to fast

192 - 255  Rainbow effeft , antshockwise from slow to fast

Grupo Rekordbox 1 vote
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Your fixture request has been added to the AtlaBase library. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).

Manufacturer: Unknown
Fixture: Monster Light Beam 200/230W

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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