Also, if this is normal functionality. Is there any way to adjust something in the settings so that when I hit the 1/2 or 2x loop while a loop is running, it just affects the length of the loop and not its current position in the playback?
When a loop is playing, and I hit the 1/2 or 2x button on a CDJ, is the loop meant to jump back immediately? If quantize is ON, the loop jumps back in beat BUT that's not what I'm talking about here.
When I hit the 1/2 or 2x button on a CDJ, my expectation was that it would either double the length of the loop, or half it... but not restart it at all. Just continue wherever it is, and in the case of a 2x extend it to double the length so it continues to play out longer. Is this a bug, or how the 1/2 or 2x buttons are programmed to work?
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Also, if this is normal functionality. Is there any way to adjust something in the settings so that when I hit the 1/2 or 2x loop while a loop is running, it just affects the length of the loop and not its current position in the playback?
Which player model? Standalone or Rekordbox mode?
On my XDJ1000s the behavior is like this:
- 2x: Loop is extended, without restart
- 1/2x Loop is shortended, if current playhead position is behind the new loop end, the position is reset to the beginning (on the next beat if Quantize is activated)
Behaviour changes depending on having quantize on or not:
Any loop action with Q off, will retrigger the loop from start.
Anything with quantize ON, wil wait for the next beat to finish to go back to starts IF the loop has been shortened and the current play position is beyond the loop out position.
If you were to only shorten the loop like you asked, the player would escape from the loop.