Discussion for the SP-16, AS-1 & SQUID
Toraiz vs MPC Live
Toraiz Comments
Pio DJ - Need Response on Sample Memory Issue
TORAIZ SP-16 - 32 Second Sample Limit (Explained)
Sampling time
DJS-1000 1st Bug Found
Toraiz: Small Electrical Current Through Case - Solved
Toraiz AS-1 Review & Feature Requests... Good, Bad & Ugly!
Toraiz teething problems / Sync + Sampling
New MPC Live and MPC X. Pioneer, how will you respond...?
TORAIZ SP-16 factory reset | boot hangs on splash screen
PLEASE do not tell me all the improvements we have asked for toriaz SP16. Are now going to show up in the new sampler you are about to put out the DJS 1000
SP-16 Firmware 1.2 a Success?
*** Toraiz SP-16 Firmware 1.40 big joke now available ***
Roadmap toraiz sp16 firmware 1.5 to 1.8 ?
SQUID - does NOT record USB midi
Just got my SP-16 Never been so excited and dissappointed at the same time
DJS-1000 & DJS-TSP USB sync issues.
1.50 update is here!
Disc Space Less than 10%
SP16 Toraiz Midi Sync Issues with last update 1.6
Toraiz Live sampling, no headphone feed?
Toriaz Travel Case
Pioneer Toraiz SP-16
DJS-1000 File Sharing
Toraiz -4 bar limit is limiting. .
Toraiz SP-16 - Factory Samples default download issue
Dedicated Forum - DJS-1000
TORAIZ SP-16 needed Features/requests