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problems with my cdj 3000 touch screen

Hey - have experienced some problems with my cdj 3000 touch screen that it won't respond when you press it, and sometimes you can press it but the pressure points are not where they should be. what should I do?? has updated to the latest version. and tried resetting to factory settings

DJ2PARTY / DJSchneider

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Check for hair, dirt, dust, or other debris under the edge of the screen causing a phantom press.

Pulse 0 votos
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In case you have a protection film on you display, it could be worth trying to remove it.

Had this with my XDJ1000mk2, worked for >1 year with the film attached, then suddently it had ghost touches and behaved erratic.

After removing the film everything was fine again.

Markus Marquardt 0 votos
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