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CDJ 850 BPM 180+


Every track above 180 BPM (uptempo hardcore) is shown as exactly 180 BPM. It is very annoying because I cant beat match them.


Is there any solution?

Megantic Respondida

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Just got word from the engineering team.  CDJ-850/350 do not show larger than BPM 180.  These are old products so that this feature is as specified.  Sorry, but we do not plan to change this specification.

Mark Gallo
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Are tracks >180 BPM not being shown at all or just the BPM for those particular tracks is not shown?

Mark Gallo 0 votos
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the tracks are shown and playable but the BPM is displayed at 180 BPM while they are 200 BPM in reality for example.

It seems like the 850ers have a BPM range till 180BPM for their displays

Megantic 0 votos
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if you're using USB drives, you need set your beat grids properly in rekordbox before exporting your music to the drive.  This will give you an accurate BPM.

Mark Gallo 0 votos
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the beatgrids are set properly in rekordbox and analyzed with the right BPM.

Just the CDJ 850ers can display maximal 180 BPM :(


Megantic 0 votos
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Even if I press the info button on the cdj, where I find the information of the track, the bpm is listed correctly.

Anyhow it is shown as 180 bpm on the normal Display.


Megantic 0 votos
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Thanks for the information.  I will raise this question with the product team, however, I would like to be candid with you.  This product is seven years old and this particular issue affects only a very small amount of users playing over 180 bpm.  Unfortunately, we do not have unlimited resources and addressing this would requiring multiple people and many man-hours.  Our product planning and engineering teams are working hard at looking to the future and how we can incorporate new features and technology into our new products, while still providing support and critical functionality updates to our older models.  Nevertheless, as I mentioned, I will bring this to their attention and report back with any updates that I receive.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Mark Gallo 0 votos
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I found out that the 850ers show the right BPM when they are linked to the computer through rekordbox DJ.

Unfortunately I don't owe a license... is it possible to get one from your side so that I can play my music at least at home?

It's like I cant play anything with this 180BPM issue and it would be great if you can arrange this...

Megantic 0 votos
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Same thing here, glad I'm not the only one experiencing this issue.. I did test an older USB (one with tracks exported through rekordbox from 2013-ish) and that did work with tracks with 180+ bpm without a problem.

But every track that I export now, with the latest Rekordbox version, that is 180+ bpm does not show up correctly. It's not that I can't mix without the BPM counter, but after spending this much money on equipment, I expect it to work correctly.. :D 

Looking forward for a solution.

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At the recently posted official comment: first reaction was literally LOL... Can you explain then why, when I started using these players, it worked correctly? Not really fun to read that we now have mediaplayers that are not relevant enough to receive a (maybe minor) update just to make it work, especially since it worked at first. Great..

Void 0 votos
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Sorry.  That's the answer I was given.  I don't have any further information on this.

Mark Gallo 0 votos
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Is it only the CDJ 850/350 that doesn't show higher BPM than 180+? i want to know for the future what i should buy or not.

Because i allways go above 180bpm in my hardcore gerne. So it would be helpfull to know what CDJ suits best for me :)  


THX Pioneer DJ


Sun Zy 0 votos
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Hi Sun

If I were you, go look for a CDJ 2000 MK1 or a CDJ 900 nexus or something like that. I still have the CDJ 850 at home, they still are great pieces of equipment, but a little bit outdated. The issue stated above still persists, there was no update or anything.

Just so you know, BPM counter shows 180 for tracks higher than that, starting from 181, but they do play at the bpm they were made in. So tracks of 200 BPM are shown as 180, but still play at 200. If you want to learn how to mix, without relying on the BPM counter, buy the CDJ 850, haha..


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my friend can go higher in bpm on the same CDJ-850 that i had the problem. mine stuck at 180 his usb can go to 190+ bpm

maybe Pioneer can give us a clear answer on this one? :)


Sun Zy 0 votos
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Hey Sun

My CDJ 850's BPM counters also go above 180. The issue is just that tracks that are faster than 180, are only just displayed at 180 when the pitch is at 0%. If I pitch them up, the counter will change to 181-182-183 and so on. The track itself would then be 201-202-203 for example, of 185-186-187... So, the counter can show more than 180, it's just that it unfortunately, thanks to some firmware restrictions??, won't correctly show actual bpms for tracks that are 181 by default..

Hope this makes sense? :D 

I'm really bothered as well that there's not a real fix for this.. The players are still really good, but this is what troubles me about them.

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