I second this! Would be a god send!
Would appreciate if you would get the product to the bare minimum of features all the other DVS platforms offer:
- Cue point selection using the tracks on the control vinyl. Why do I have to keep reaching for the laptop to control cue points?
- Sticker lock from Serato SSL/SDJ. Has become absolutely essential for any hip hop DJ using Serato, and together with the cue point selection using vinyl, it's such a powerful feature it's preventing me from going Rekordbox full time.
Even Traktor has a sticker lock feature where you can align a physical sticker on your control vinyl with the platter on your DVS software.
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I second this! Would be a god send!
Any news on this pulse? I still can't use rekordbox over serato for dvs on vinyl due to the lack of these simple features, any known timeline would be useful thanks
As replied here, no, we don't currently have such a function but it is on the request list.
Please don't cross-post.
I agree . The reason more turntablists have not moved from SERATO to Rekordbox is because of sticker lock for juggling doubles, end of story . There is some drifting when doing advanced juggling patterns and if Rekordbox wants to be taken seriously by the hardcore turntablist scratch dj they have to get this feature or I am switching.
All of the major DVS software have some version of sticker lock for juggling (SERATO, Traktor,and Virtual dj 2018 DVS) if Pioneer want to rule the DVS world they better get it FAST .The sticker lock feature is no question the single most important feature Rekordbox needs to get RIGHT NOW.
Is there any update on this sticker lock?