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Are you using the Traktor TSI mapping file for the XDJ-RX? And do you have firmware 2.10 or newer installed?
Hello there,
Xdj-rx setup problem I am using tractor scratch pro from macbook computer and I am using the program sync tussy out 4beat tiny into tussay lights do not work but sync texas senses program i am writing i apologize i can not tell you the problem i am sharing this video with you i monitor and solve the problem very happy job I play around on the floor when ı play
Video link:
Are you using the Traktor TSI mapping file for the XDJ-RX? And do you have firmware 2.10 or newer installed?
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I bought it a week ago
Latest version
Are you using the Traktor TSI mapping file
: I do not know what I use, unfortunately
I am using google translate
Just because you bought it last week doesn't mean it has the newest firmware. Check the firmware of the XDJ-RX by following the instructions on that page, and update if necessary.
You must be using the TSI file if you want the LEDs to illuminate, and to have proper control.
Download the TSI file, then click IMPORT and locate the TSI file.
You should also be using the XDJ-RX in MIDI MIXER mode, not XDJ-RX MIXER mode. Change that in the settings on the XDJ-RX itself.
I'm using version 2.20
tsi foto :
Okay, you have the correct firmware, but is that the new TSI file, and did you import it?
Also, have you set the XDJ-RX to MIDI MIXER mode?
tsi yes transfer
Did you select the IN and OUT ports as the Pioneer XDJ-RX?
Yes I did but the problem is still going on
Yes I did but the problem is still going on
How many days are I frustrated
I will be grateful if you solve this problem
Is your XDJ-RX mixer set to MIDI MODE?
midi control - xdj-rx
I tested it on two options and the problem persists :(
The mixer mode must be set to MIDI, not XDJ-RX.
Which version of Traktor are you using?
Traktor Version 2.11.0 23
License Full
I am using midi mode
Traktor Version 2.11.0 23
License Full
I am using midi mode
I think the problem is the version of the TSI file you're using:
That shows v1.00, I linked v1.03 - please ensure this is the one you're using.
At 14seconds of this video: change to MIDI MIXER mode, but I'm not convinced the XDJ-RX has linked the mixer to the software - press the orange MIDI button and see if the ENTIRE image of the XDJ-RX is white; if the middle portion is grey, it's not working properly as that hasn't been assigned.
3 A detailed video :
midi mod :
xdj-rx mod:
The XDJ-RX mixer mode must be set to MIDI.
The mixer mode in the Traktor preferences must be set to INTERNAL.
Please take care that you import the Mapping via the BIG Import Button at the lower Row of the Preferences. It seems you have added it two times an the Buttons wont't work.
please delete ALL DEVICES at the Devicemanager and start from beginning.
Master = Out 1/2
monitor = out 3/4
mac OS ???
Did you reset your Mac Midi Setup like the Pioneer Tutoral after the FW update ??
Thanks @Sigo - ensuring the other devices were removed from the MIDI map/devices list was the next thing I was going to recommend! :)
@Muzaffer > Please ensure that the XDJ-RX and Traktor Generic Keyboard maps are the ONLY devices listed here: