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Bumping doesn't make it happen faster.
Thanks for your feedback.
I like to play from a pool of music, like I'm sure other DJs do. That said, I regularly do this for recordings that I post online. I'd LOVE to see the ability to sort by date last played. DJ Play Count works *ok*, but that means that unless I happen to remember (Which I usually don't because I play a lot of genres). Newer songs will get played a lot more than older songs until they catch up in play count - and I'd like to have a nice spread (Though I suppose I should look into how to reset the play count from time to time). Being able to sort by date last played like you can on Traktor would be FANTASTIC! Thanks!
Bumping doesn't make it happen faster.
Thanks for your feedback.
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Agreed as well!
Bump. I'm now doing a radio broadcast twice a week. This would be extremely helpful!!!!
I have asked this before.
Hehe, I regularly interact with software developers in my day job, so yes I'm aware but also would like to keep it top-of-mind. :)
I would love to see this added. I recently bought a DDJ-1000 and am transitioning over to Rekordbox after being a Traktor user for a very long time and the "Last Played" date in the browser was something I used constantly.
as above, came from traktor and really miss the last played column in the browser.
Like to show my support for this.