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AFAIK the RX2 operates as a MIDI device, not HID, this is the same as the RX1.
Even with latest 1.11 fw that should enable hid Control the Player sende/receives No HID Data. I Made a hid and a midi trace and saw that the Player only sends/receives Midi Data. I think you should Upgrade the drivers and implement the hid device.
Since upgrading from 1.01 to 1.11 i cannot choose the Mixer Mode anymore its now fixed to midi/sw mixer.
In the old fw i could choose between XDJ-RX2 hw Mode and Midi. I'd Like to get the hw Option Back :-)
Of course im writing about Control Mode with latest rb in Performance Mode.
Thx for fixing this!
AFAIK the RX2 operates as a MIDI device, not HID, this is the same as the RX1.
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with latest fw update it should send hid as stated in the changelog. same was on the mk1 Version ...after a time fw came up with hid Support and mk1 sends hid you can trace it :-) i think the Driver Needs to be updated cause it installs no hid device other pio devices with hid get their hid device when installing the Drivers :-)
would be cool if you can check this with the engineers also why with it isn't possible anymore to use the hw mixer in perf mode. big thx in advance pulse!
Interesting -- sorry, we haven't yet received any units for testing so I can't confirm any of that, but I'll escalate this to a ticket to get more info from the product team.
playing this night first gig with the rx2 found some smaller Bugs will post them next week.
just for the record:
fw 1.20 don't solve the thing that this device is not working in hid mode. also the mixer mode is still not choosable.
after some Research i think this is caused by rekordbox.
the Software simply has no hid mapping. in the midi menue it's clearly stated there that's a pure midi mapping. hope the Software will catch up soon. in comparison to my ddj-rr the heel Resolution seems to be not that responsive as the rr ones.
hope rb fixes this in next release.
other Bugs:
4beat autoloop won't work most of the time when Cueing to a grid you have to scroll a bit after the grid and then press to set the Loop. also it would be fine if the 4 beat Loop/autoloop function recognize that i set up rb with an initial Loop size of 8. on every other Controller this works but not on the rx2.
the mapping for the pads is somehow horrible made and simply not correct beat jump is for example on the slip Loop etc..
Can I ask you to confirm that you have the drivers installed on your computer as well?
jep Drivers are installed as they should (repeated it several times), i have to state that my Information that no hid device was installed was not correct.
the hid device is there in the device manager but it's simply not used.
this fact lead me to do more Research and comparison mit with my hid supported ddj-rx. as said, i think it's just the lack of a hid mapping in rb nothing more.
i've opened a ticket regarding this issue but no Response.
You don't need a ticket (I have since closed it) as I already have one open for this topic. Our rekordbox and XDJ teams are investigating this.
thx for the info pulse!
should i Report more Bugs in this thread or open a ticket or new thread?
Have you guys tried changing the mixer mode within rekordbox > Preferences > Audio? I'm told the mixer mode within the RX2 utility menu is not where that's changed, but within rekordbox itself.
thx for the tipp pulse! works :-) now i got hw mixer after changing this in the sw Settings :-)
any News regarding a real hid mapping in rb perf mode?
What, specifically, do you mean by HID mapping? What are you unable to do / expecting it to do that it doesn't currently?
hid has way more resolution than a midi mapping, normally the at least the wheels get a hid mapping (like for example on the rr). the rr wheel seems a little bit more responsive than the rx2 one.
also the current midi mapping has few bugs, especially on the pads, and the 4beat loop ignores the rb setting, in my case i set the initial autoloop value to an 8beat works fine on the rr and other controllers but not on the rx2. and there is no way to change this behaviour on the midi settings, think i have to hack in in the csv (if this is possible).
Hi, can I download midi maps for XDJ-RX2 for rekordbox dj (Performance)?
Thank you
@Seidl > It's already mapped out - there is no need to download anything to use the XDJ-RX2 with rekordbox in Performance mode.
@Daniel > Have you tried resetting the mappings to the defaults?
that was the Topic that the perf mode mapping won't reflect the hw mapping. i thought that was a bug but you pointed out that the perf mapping is different from the hw mapping. so i remapped it myself to my Needs.
what is still very problematic is the Thing with the waveforms on the rx2 that are not consistent with the waveforms on the laptopscreen :-(
Unfortunately, it does not work. I used the DDJ-SZ and it worked with no problems. If I connect the XDJ-RX2, I only show up in the status line that I have connected RX2, the audio drivers starts work, in LINK (EXPORT) everything works fine, but PERFORMANCE does not work. In the MIDI setup I pressed DEFAULT, in the menu I have only the USB MIDI DEVICE ... there is no name RX2.
it seems that you have not set up the Drivers properly seems the midi Driver part is missing somehow. it works fine for me out of the box when installing the driverpackage (not only the link Export Drivers). download the right Driver install it and it should work fine and get recognized.
where can I download the right drivers?
Here are only AUDIO drivers and firmware update:
These Drivers are the correct ones. make sure to use also latest rb Version, it seems to me that you have an old Version that hasnt implemented the rx2 yet.
I installed all updates.. MacOS El Capitan, RB 5.0.2, the last Audio driver ... The error is still the same... Audio output is OK, Link is OK, MIDI (Performance) does not work :-( ... I have installed RB ver.4 too and it is the same state.
ok...capitan is for sure not the best System for Audio/daw but anyway. hmm don't know what isn't working seems that something screwed up in you midi or hid stack. you can only use the rx2 on 5.x upwards 4.x will never work with it.
think you have to open up a ticket. or try it with Sierra/high sierra
If I created a new item in the PLAY (PLAY) in the midi setting, I use what it should do, so the button works normally .... but I did not want to do MIDI maps for all the functions ... My DDJ-SZ works still correctly .. (I hope :-D) ... I will try it with Windows PC ... Does it matter that I did not use the license key supplied in the package? ... I use the key wich I used for DDJ-SZ
it wont matter from where your key is. maybe try to load the correct midi csv from the rb root Directory (there are all mappings) you can load it manually. do the Displays work in perf mode?
I can not find MIDI. Can you send me a midi maps for RX2? .. Thank you
@Seidi > Disconnect your RX2, open your Audio MIDI Setup application, open the MIDI Studio window, click the drop-down, and select New Configuration:
Give it a name, click OK.
Connect the XDJ-RX2 and it should appear in the window.
Open rekordbox, scroll to the bottom of the window and see if the XDJ-RX2 appears in the Control Device Information box.