@J L > Please try analysing those tracks with the rekordbox analysis mode set to DYNAMIC. This is the mode that is best for live-drummer music such as disco. Normal analysis mode is for songs where the tempo is consistent.
I've just taken delivery of my new RX2 and I'm having a sync issue with some songs, which can be seen in this video:
It's only happening on live instrument tracks like old disco records. I've manually adjusted the beatgrids in RB prior to exporting, and they're perfectly in time with the metronome.
When I load the tracks on the RX2 with sync on the beat grid is not perfectly aligned, it's perhaps 1/16th of a beat off. It's not just the visuals, the audio is off too. I can nudge the track so I get the flashing sync button (only matches the BPM, not the grid), making the grid and audio match, but I would rather sync worked as it should.
Before we go in to a discussion about manual beat matching, I do that when I want to. Other times however, it would be nice to rely on sync behaving as I expect it to.
The issue isn't happening on digitally produced tracks, they're working fine from my initial testing. So I'm wondering if it's something to do with the variable bpm adjustment process or the dynamic analysis process. Like I said, the beats are perfectly in time with the metronome on the tracks in the video, so I think the issue is occurring on the RX2 rather than in the track preparation stage.
I've read very similar issues on other threads for the original RX, which didn't seem to be resolved. So I'm wondering if this is a legacy issue that predates the RX2 and is still ongoing? Or perhaps there's a setting I need to adjust somewhere?
I'm on firmware V1.2. If there's any other information missing that would help diagnose the issue just say.
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@J L > Please try analysing those tracks with the rekordbox analysis mode set to DYNAMIC. This is the mode that is best for live-drummer music such as disco. Normal analysis mode is for songs where the tempo is consistent.
Hi Pulse,
Those songs were analysed using the dynamic mode. It's the live recorded tracks, analyses in dynamic mode, that are causing the issue.
Do two live tracks sync within rekordbox?
Can you please try syncing two tracks that are NOT in a loop and tell me if it does the same thing? Also, in your video, I wouldn't have said those tracks were aligned, even if they were at the same tempo.
Hi Pulse,
That's exactly what I'm saying, the two tracks are not aligned, despite sync being turned on. Or are you saying that the waveform isn't aligned to the grid? If it's the latter then that's not the case, as when I nudge one of the tracks to manually align the grid both songs are matched nicely and sound good. If sync could do that without me having to make the manual intervention then sync would be working as I expect it to.
It's also still the case when the loops aren't active. Even if it wasn't, I would still expect sync to work in a loop.
I meant that visually, the beat grids of the two tracks did not appear aligned, which seemed to match the audio. While the tempo may have been the same, they weren't "beatmatched," audibly or visually.
I'm thinking you're confusing SYNC with QUANTIZE.
Hi Pulse,
I'm not confusing sync with quantize. When you press sync, the tempo should be matched exactly along with the beatgrids of the two tracks. That isn't happening for me with certain tracks, as you have noticed in my video.
I understand quantize, and what setting it to different values does. I have it set to 1 beat. So when I press sync, I expect the software to align the beatgrids perfectly, like it does successfully with electronically produced music in my collection.
Right, but what I'm saying is the video showed two tracks playing which were not aligned, visually or audibly. If you had quantize enabled and the two grids / beats were lined-up, I would also expect the audio to be playing in sync.
quantize and sync were both enabled. They were not aligned because sync is not working. There is an error with the software.
I appreciate that you are having an issue, but your video doesn't show enough for me to know that you didn't touch the jog for those tracks to be out of alignment. Right now, if I pass this along to the engineers, they'll have the same questions I do.
If you're willing to shoot another video, showing the decks and their settings, with one track playing, and then start the other with sync & quantize enabled, and they DON'T start in sync and beatmatched, then I'll have something worth escalating. I hope you understand I'm not saying there isn't a problem, I just don't have enough data to present.
No problem, I can do that on monday.
Thanks! If there is a problem, we'd like to get this resolved, but the more information I can provide the engineers, the less time it will take with back and forth questions, and the quicker they can dig into the problem.
I just fired up RB on my laptop and I've narrowed down the problem. The issue occurs with loops, they won't sync. When you turn the loop off, the grids jump into alignment. I made a video that shows it well:
Sorry there's no audio, I had my DDJ-RB plugged in and the audio routed through my speakers. But you get the idea visually from the video.
So it could actually be a RB software issue, and perhaps the RX2 is also experiencing it.
In light of that perhaps this needs to be moved to the RB forum not here in the XDJ area?
Thanks for posting this, I experienced it yesterday and couldn't figure out what was going wrong.
Definitely something weird happening when a loop is active and using sync.
Good to know it's not just me!
Is this issue being looked into? Or does it need to be moved to the RB thread as it seems to be a software issue
I'm seeing the same problem. Tracks "jumping" that start in sync...
Video 1: Rekodbox Performance Mode https://youtu.be/rUI_6yBG1M8
Deck 1 has extra beat markers added i.e. variable BPM and is in a loop.
Deck 2 is a consistent BPM.
With Deck 1 being the MT and Deck 2 having Sync enabled, there is no problem. Both decks stay in perfect sync.
Video 2: XDJ-RX2 Standalone Mode https://youtu.be/K8caryMQxLE
Deck set up is the same with the same tracks, MT and Sync settings. Notice when Deck 2 starts, 26 seconds in to the video Deck 2 jumps back 1 beat on it's own, nothing it being touched on the RX2. The same problem can be seen at 47 seconds and then again 54 seconds.
This only appears to be a problem when trying to Sync with tracks that have a variable tempo.
I've experienced the same situation with some tracks. It's strange cause for many years with these tracks on Traktor was everything ok. Is this happens also on CDJ 900 and 2000 ?
I see also something else
when I play two tracks with first that has some tempo change in the middle and appears this problem, I correct the second track and continue playing crossing to second track. Then sometimes third and forth track has the same problem even if they are ok for sure. Looks like the software in xdj-rx2 was crazy for a moment - stop everything, reload the tracks (second and third...) and it's ok.
Workaround for me is to not use loops and a sync feature on second track - then I cross from the first track to second track in other way with no issue - and then all next tracks (third, forth and so on) are ok now - rx2 sync and keeps the sync perfectly.
I sold my RX2 and upgraded to a pair of XDJ1000mk2 players and they have the same issue, too. So it's a problem that's occurring in the Rekordbox software and across different players. Hopefully it's an easy fix.
It seems to be ok if I hit a 16 bar loop with sync on and then press play. The issue only occurs when I hit a stored loop hotcue. So it's not that big of an issue for me.
I have a question: I’m planning to buy a XDJ rx2 and I need to know some things: After I analize my tracks through Rekordbox, am I able to use features like sync, slip mode and all the effects of this controller or it must be linked to the laptop in order to reach this possibilities?
has this been resolved please as I am not going to buy a unit if it has sync issues.
Yes, I'm having this issue. Wack. Might return my RX2 actually because of this.
Given the age of this topic, I would ask if anyone using firmware 1.33 or 1.34 are having this issue?
Ah, I thought I was up-to-date, but I'm using 1.33. I'll update and see if that helps.
I also had the same problem with an XDJ-RX2 and I solved it just by changing the usb, I changed the firmware from 1.32 to 1.42 and the problem persisted, I changed from rekordbox 5 to 6 and it didn't fix the problem either, the problem with the beats jumping was by USB.