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XDJ RX2 Automatic Looping

Createa a menu setting that allows the length of automatically set loops to be predefined (4-beat Loop, 8-beat loop, etc.)
During playback, press the [LOOP IN/4BEAT (IN ADJUST)]
button for over 1 second.
A loop of x beats (preedetemined in the menu) will begin starting from the point that the LOOP IN button was pressed and held.

Jett Rink Respondida

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Guys, the Beat Loop pad buttons already do this.

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Understood that the beat loop pads already do this. It just seems like a nice addition to me. It is already incorporated into the preferences in Rekordbox. I'm new to both the RX2 and Rekordbox, but it doesn't seem like the beat loop pads are as flexible as the automatic, dedicated, loop button that can be exited, and returned to at any point in the track.

Jett Rink 0 votos
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@Chris > Yes, in PERFORMANCE mode and in stand-alone mode.

Sorry, there is no option to change the length of the auto-loop button, but if you want to customize the pads when using the RX2 as a controller, simply remap them!

Pulse 0 votos
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Yeah but why should we have to? Many functions in performance mode dont work correctly out of the box. I don't have to program my keyboard if I buy a new laptop. Makes no sense. I hope it'll be sorted in the next update.

Chris Hotton 0 votos
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Well so far..

The pads do not map correctly in Performance more
The effects do not map correctly in performance mode
Waveforms missing on the screen when loading a track on a playlist from usb plugged into macbook

Chris Hotton 0 votos
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Oh and also you can't play FLAC from a USB. Big one!


Chris Hotton 0 votos
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"@Chris > Yes, in PERFORMANCE mode and in stand-alone mode.

Sorry, there is no option to change the length of the auto-loop button, but if you want to customize the pads when using the RX2 as a controller, simply remap them!"

Hang on, Where is the instant controller auto loop button in performance mode? I only see it in rekordboxdj?

Chris Hotton 0 votos
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@Chris > The pads don't map because there are more functions available within the software than there are on the hardware alone. There's a diagram of what-does-what here.

Which FX are you referring to?

The large waveforms not appearing on the display from a USB source in performance mode is a known issue, however I'm not sure if this is a limitation by design or if it will be resolved. Our engineers are aware of it; the same thing happens on the CDJ-2000NXS2 and XDJ-1000MK2 as well.

FLAC can't be played on the device because it's not supported - this isn't a surprise as it was never advertised that it could. The supported file formats are even printed on the front of the hardware:

If you really want to use FLAC, you have the luxury of using PERFORMANCE mode where it is supported.

And as for the auto loop button, it's right there on the hardware...

Press that and your pads become auto-loop buttons. Did you not read that in the manual? Page 18:

Pulse 0 votos
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The "beat loop" doesn't work in the same way in performance mode. Top row fire off one shot loops while holding the button down. The bottom rows are effects for some reason. 2 of which do nothing. 

Maybe i'm not being clear. I'm talking about a physical button on the controller which has the same function as just pressing auto loop in rekordbox DJ. i.e the box with 2 in the image below..

Chris Hotton 0 votos
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Also just like to say, Maybe a bit less of the patronising attitude to customers who are spending money on your products.

Chris Hotton 0 votos
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Which loop button? If I do that it does loop but it doesn't match what's in rekordbox DJ. I have a 4 beat loop set but it's doing 12. 

So it's looking like what I'm asking is not possible at the moment.

Is there any way to maybe add this in a future firmware versions? Suggest by just hitting the reload/exit button? It does nothing currently.

Chris Hotton 0 votos
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for everyone who wants to get a 8 or 16 Loop on the Long press Loop in button:

uncomment or delete line 42 in: Pioneer DJ XDJ-RX2 MIDI.midi.csv

then go into rb and the midi mapping menue:

under the deck section create a new command for example AutopLoop 8Beat and add midi in and out manually to 9045 for deck 1

and same with 9145 for deck 2



have fun with a value of your choice on Long press Loop in :-)



Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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So, does this only effect it's use while in performance?

Jett Rink 0 votos
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jep thats only a mapping for perf mode, you can't remap when using standalone mode. maybe you can reverse the rx2 firmware and figure out the correct parts to change it ;-)

Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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