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Better support of Chauvet DJ Swarm wash FX ILS as Combo Fixture like Gigbar Movove ILS and unsolved problems at Gigbar Move ILS


there was a fixture update for the Chauvet DJ Gigbar Move ILS, so every effect was splittet like moving head, par light, effect 1, effect 2..

It would be perfect if that could possible at Chauvet DJ Swarm wash FX ILS, too.

The motor of led and laser are static, but is it possible that there move a little bit, but uncontrolled. So that the lights are not static?

At this moments i use am DMX hardware merger and the dmx software cuelux parallel to Rekordbox to get this movement of led and laser but this is not solution for the future.

Another Problem wich isn't solved at Chauvet DJ Gigbar Move ILS:

The laser and the derbys don't move in EU 52ch version. Only static effect. Only one gobo at the moving heads will be used all the time. This is very boring at a set of 8 hours.

Another problem is that the moving heads have sometimes a stuttering sound if i used them with Rekordbox lightning. i am afraid that there will be damaged by the software in future.

hope you solve the problem soon and make the automatic show more professionell like the other equipment of pioneer.

Best Regards

Michael Janssen

Michael Janssen No planeada

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Hello Michael,

rekordbox lighting engineers saw the two fixtures.

They summarized your issues on the fixtures.  

1. Swarm Wash FX:

Do you want to make it as a Combo Fixture?

Do you want to move the motor of LED and Laser? 

Unfortunately, CH18  (*2) is not supported.

2. GigBAR Move + ILS

  1) Derby does not work. 

   Engineers used the simulator and saw the color and strobe work. 

        Do you have the issues when using Rotation?

 2) Laser does not work.
   CH32 : Laser Control(*2) is not supported because Laser feature has not been supported. 

  3) Moving heads have sometimes a stuttering sound.
   Do you hear the stuttering sound only when you connect the fixture to rekordbox?
        Don't you have the same issues when using it with other software? 

  2) Laser does not work.

   CH32 : Laser Control(*2) is not supported because Laser feature has not been supported. 

Keiko 0 votos
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thank you.

Here are my answers:

1. Swarm Wash FX:

Do you want to make it as a Combo Fixture? yes please, would be great.

Do you want to move the motor of LED and Laser? yes please


2. GigBAR Move + ILS

 Do you have the issues when using Rotation? yes

 3) Moving heads have sometimes a stuttering sound.
   Do you hear the stuttering sound only when you connect the fixture to rekordbox? i contacted Chauvet dj to solve the problem.

2) Laser does not work. motor not moving , laser light is on.


Michael Janssen 0 votos
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Hello Michael,

rekordbox lighting engineers created a combo fixture with Swarm Wash FX. Please try updating rekordbox lighting library to ver: 1372 to see if any difference is made. However, Motor does not work even if you update to the current version. 


Pioneer DJ Support

Keiko 0 votos
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Rotation issue of GigBAR Move + ILS is solved in the fixture library Ver. 1373. Please update the library version to 1373 to see if any difference is made. 

Keiko 0 votos
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