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Rekordbox 6.7.0 problem

Hey. After the update I have hade 2 gigs and a warning appears after 15-20 minutes. Something like “a track is playing do you really wanna quit rekordbox yea or no” haven’t even touched the computer. Nothing happened after you press no but it have happens 2 of 2 times now so something is wrong. That and I feel like the sound is at a lower quality than before.. when I turn track separation of in the menu it feels like the sound is more crispy… Any ideas?
Daniel wennström

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There's no change to the audio output with / without separation enabled, so that could be subjective, but rekordbox shouldn't be asking you to quit. Does it happen all by itself or did you happen to be touching the computer or controller at the time?

Pulse 0 votos
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No did not touch the computer. I browsing my library on the Zx. And have never hade that issue before the new update. I will set up everything tomorrow and take ha picture if it happens a third time.

Daniel wennström 0 votos
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Sorry for spam 😅 new to the setup is that I have midi mapt my sp1 to “stems”

Daniel wennström 0 votos
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I notice the sound issue too. When I select all 3 effects separations on or off the sound is crispy. when I select 1 or 2 effects separations the sound becomes less crisp, this happens either if the effects are applied or not applied.

Additionally after an hour or so of mixing I get a crackling sound on the audio if 1 or 2 separations are selected, if all 3 are selected on or off the crackling stops. I cant use separation without the crackling until I restart the software and my DDJ 1000.

I never had an issue before today and the only thing that has changed is the upgrade to rekordbox 6.7.0.

I have already filed a ticket with support.

Any suggestions?

marc williams 0 votos
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@Daniel > Yes, you can MIDI map the SP1 to control stems, they're all in there.

@marc > It could be due to your computer specs, but let's see what the engineers have to say on the ticket instead of here.

Pulse 0 votos
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I have the same problem.
And this problem happens without the need to be connected to a controller. Only using the software does the problem happen. And there's also no need to trigger the stems. It just sounds terrible. It seems to me that it is during the processing of the stems that the problem is generated.
My computer is a Macbook Pro I9 with a dedicated graphics card.
This problem happened after upgrading to this version with stems.

Doctor DJ 0 votos
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@Pulse> Probably not my computer specs, I have a pretty high end gaming desktop PC.

@All> I just noticed this sound glitch only occurs on channels 2 & 4 for me.

I went into settings>extensions>track separation and noticed I had the part instant doubles set to up/down decks, I did this when I first enabled track separation a few days ago to see if this would work on the DDJ1000 like it does on the FLX10, it didn't so I thought nothing of it. 

Tonight I set the option back to left/right decks, unchecked "Enable the part separation function" box to disable it. Then I checked the box to enable it again and the problem has gone away for me. I will be using the DDJ1000 at the weekend for a few hours so hopefully this has sorted the other problem with the permanent distortion too

Maybe you could give this a go and see if it helps.

Good luck with it. 

marc williams 0 votos
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If you're having issues, let our team know - posting to the forums does nothing for our engineers to find out about problems; please file an inquiry ticket here instead.

I'll add this just because it needs to be said ... having a "high end gaming computer" means nothing for audio work. Gaming computers are typically considered such because they have a high-end GPU. They prioritize high framerate game output, but they don't do squat for audio, and in many cases, lower the prioritization of audio processing to ensure framerates are high because gamers notice when there are visual frame drops, but seldom have issues with audio hiccups.

What's important for audio? Kill everything else in the background; any unnecessary tasks, applications, services... shut them down. Unplug any USB devices you don't need. Disable Bluetooth and WiFi if you don't need them. There are plenty of guides you can find online for optimizing your computer for audio / DJing tasks (Serato has a good one).

Pulse 0 votos
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^or just don't be so defensive and accept that 6.7.0 has a major problem that needs a bug fix/update asap. I am encountering the same issue, rekordbox tries to quit while I'm playing. It is completely reasonable to expect the software to work perfectly fine when the previous version had no issues with Wifi, Beatport Link, etc running simultaneously, but on 6.7.0 it malfunctions. It really is not a good look blaming the consumer for your faulty update..


Kyle Parkins 0 votos
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Hi guys, I have observed this problem and with it is the same.after exactly 1 hour rekordbox suddenly asks if I'm sure I want to quit the application because a track is currently running. I think that looks like your demo time is over and rekordbox wants to quit. I don't have a subscription because I unlock the software with my ddj 1000. once you click no this message doesn't show up for the rest of the evening.

Dj Nek 0 votos
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Hi Guys I have had the same issues : are you sure you want to quit the application because a track is currently running

also Rekbox quits unexpectedly almost every session version 6.7.0 and never happened once before this update

shouldn't pioneer be testing these pestering updates before they dish them out

I have also informed pioneer engineers about this and they absolutely nothing

!0k worth of pionner gear and the customer service is worse than terrible

I would never buy another Pioneer product its disgraceful

Darren Brown 0 votos
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