Comentario oficial

That's not our site; please contact the owners of that site for information about the TSI as we do not provide support for Traktor on the FLX4, sorry.
Acciones de comentarios
just bought this tsi via your link from and the Sample pads via remix decks is not working . Rgb lights just keep flashing and when you trigger one of them its just slows down even when you turn off the syc buttons. Frustrating as I was excited when i saw this mapping and had to go buy this controller. i do not like either Serato or rekorbox. i have been using traktor for the best past of 15 years and do not want to switch.
Thanks you very much.
That's not our site; please contact the owners of that site for information about the TSI as we do not provide support for Traktor on the FLX4, sorry.
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