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Opus Quad, Hide columns?

Is there a way to not have the column be forced on us? for example the  "date added" column once i choose to sort by that? I have it set in RB as "not specified" for the second column which is great but once i choose on the Opus to sort by date added, it now adds another column and cuts off half the track names. Also why can't we hide columns we do not use all the time like the album art, preview, key and bpm, some users do not always need to see the bpm and key and especially album art yet its forced on the screen and takes up real estate that can be used to show more info of the song in playlists



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Hi BriChi, I found out that when you choose that column to show track names,  it will disappear. That is because there already is a 'Track' column. The way the list is sorted, remains the same, so yo can have it sorted on 'Date Added' without that column being in the way.
I also recommend not to use CAPS, so you can see more of the title. And you can change the text size. But you probable already knew that.

Leon Hartog 0 votos
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thank you, yes my way of sorting now has been to sort by date added, hit the top column to sort so the newest is at top, then hit the arrow again to sort "default" and the column goes away but stays sorted by date, a little extra work but works for now, hopefully an easier way to hide the column comes in the future, thanks for the reply!

BriChi 0 votos
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