@DJ Ravem > Can you provide more detail as to how you've got things set up? What is the microphone? How is it connected? Where are the mic level settings? Master level settings?
I am having distortions with my microphone inputs. This is with a normal speaking voice. I tried different master gain settings, but it didn't help. The distortion comes at the mic volume. I compared it with my other board with the same speakers and mics. My other mics volume can be turned to 10 and there is no distortion. I also DJ weddings. A girl sang at a wedding on my wireless and all her power high notes distorted.
This Ive had this board approximately 14 months. Just over the warranty period of course. What should I do. Take it back to my authorized dealer or contact pioneer directly to get this fixed?
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@DJ Ravem > Can you provide more detail as to how you've got things set up? What is the microphone? How is it connected? Where are the mic level settings? Master level settings?
I am having the same problem! PLEASE HELP!!!
I am running 2 Shure PG58 wireless handheld mics into the first 2 mic channels...and both of them get very distorted very quickly...even when the volume gets turned up very little. I had no problems with these mics on my old mixer (Behringer). The mixer is brand new! I am assuming it is not the mics as they did not distort like this on the old mixer.
Mic 1 is connected with TRS 1/4" at a 90 degree angle adapter (top of mixer) to TRS 1/4" connections (mic receiver). Mic 2 is connected using XLR (back of mixer) to TRS 1/4" (mic receiver).
Both mics are switched to "both" in the assignment section. (Zone, Both or Master)
All Mic EQ's are set to 12:00.
"Effect" knob is turned all the way down on both mic channels...and no effect is selected.
Talkover is turned off.
Master is set to 12:00...no clipping from other audio sources.
Is there some type of mic preamp amount on these 2 mic channels that is not on the face of the mixer? The mics get very nasty even when the mic volume goes up past 1/4.
Thanks in advance.
@Jim > Are you seeing the signal indicator on the mic channels turn orange or red?
Yes! They go from green to orange to red very quickly.
@Jim > Try turning the mic gain down so the mic level does not go to orange/red and the master volume up so the levels are peaking around 0dB.
Thanks! That seems to help for now. I just hooked things up in my garage and it sounded ok...no clipping. The real test will be my first wedding of the season on April 14th. I'll know more about the mic sound then. I'll keep you posted as to how things work out. Thanks so much!