no one?
If so can you share your uses for it?
@ the mods how comes nearly 2 years on there is still no really intuitive information on what this can be used for?
if anyone has anything they can throw in the ring to help people use this feature,
i did this ableton thread a year ago and it looks like it has helped some but we still need more.
chip in guys n gals :)
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no one?
I've used it to control traktor. I had my 2 CDJ-2000s hooked up to channels 2 and 3 and 2 traktor decks to 1 and 4. I loaded samples and loops on the other channels and triggered everything through the MIDI touch pad. I definitely wish that the features had been built out a little more so that it was easier and more intuitive to use.
The reason nothing has been provided from us is every DJ is different in their needs / wants from MIDI, especially with a blank slate of MIDI pads and a whole host of applications to use it with.
i use it all the time for samples on serato scratch live. and i also have assigned some buttons on there for the instant doubles so i can easily load the same track on the other side. one venue i play at doesnt have the room for all my gear so i only use one cdj and a mixer and my laptop.
i get your point pulse but it would be good to see something to help people understand how to use it.
im sure many have it and many dont use it as there are few basic instructions / suggestion on what to use it with and how.
not everyone is midi experienced or knows about it and would be good for "me" and others to have some simple setup guides produced.
(i still think it would be good for pio to incude the midi panel in rbx)
Hi everyone.
I too purchased a DJM-2000 for use as a DVS mixer.
In my case I'm using Serato Scratch Live.
I have high expectations from Pioneer and I also like to see Serato specific MIDI pages incorporated into the MIDI touchscreen panel. I have easily been able to map some of the Serato functions to the touch screen, but would definitely like to see an enhancement here. Since most of the software companies have similiar functions everyone would benefit.
Other competitors even offer Serato Scratch Live specific MIDI mapping files to install on Serato for free.
Contrary to what is advertised, the MIDI pages on the touchscreen seem to be geared more towards Ableton than DVS systems.
This is a huge thing as this mixer is the flagship mixer and one of its main components is the use of MIDI with DVS.
Thank you.
If Pioneer were to do that, the demand for support for other-application-specific pages would pour in as well and the cost for development of those custom pages would be quite high as it requires a redesign of the GUI for those screens.
Hello Pulse.
So what youre saying is that you dont beleive that on this flagship mixer with a $2700 retail price it doesnt make economical sense to add a few more screens that would enhance the user experience and could potentially attract a bigger customer base to this awesome mixer is not worth the minimal investment?
I am not asking about Serato native support or anything even close to that which would be impossible. one or two generic alternate screens would be great.
Just think about the expansion of customer base by marketing this mixer by associating the control possibilities of the hottest DVS systems in the US with this mixer....Serato Scratch Live.
Specifically the auto loop, loop roll, loop select, loop scroll, etc are some of the most popular features that need to be able to be controlled through the touchscreen to leave the hardware free for standard mixer use.
By the way Pulse, other companys like DENON, Allen Heath, and Numark market their MIDI mixers specificaly as MIDI mappable for Serato and Traktor and they have this strategy to pay off. In fact the Pioneer DJM T1 is currently being marketed for Serato control even though its a Traktor mixer.
The advantage that the DJM 2000 has over these other companies is that you are able to change through the touchscreen what you are not able to do through hardware! Thats the whole idea behind that implementation, versatility.
Why dont you guys take a poll to find out how strong the demand for a Serato based DJM mixer is. I bet you might be surprised. I know that a true Serato DJM mixer is not possible due to RANE's partnership with Serato but you know what I mean.
I also forgot to mention how important it would be to incorporate the control of the new Serato Video by this mixer without having to use any other controller!!!!!
ive said it before and here it comes again, the midi pages would be so much more powerful and useful for everyone if the templates could be edited like TouchOSC or Lemur and uploaded to the mixer.
It has been submitted as a product suggestion however that doesn't mean it will ever be developed and I don't ever see it becoming an open-source type project allowing user customization.
TouchOSC and Liine Lemur is not open source software, however it allows midi and osc pages to be edited and uploaded to iDevices.
Open Source Software and Open Sound Controller is not really the same thing.
Have a deeper read here->
What I meant was I didn't see Pioneer developing a software interface allowing users to customize their layouts; if anything users would be presented with an option for "Serato" or "Traktor" and appropriate layouts would be loaded, but not customizable. That could always change, but given the history...
In an Ideal world a "Touch OSC" type of user customize-able interface would be fantastic and would trully taking advantage of the potential of this Mixer!
As a Serato user for years now, closer integration with Serato and Traktor for those users, would unlock the versatitlity of this mixer and make this mixer untouchable by any other mixer.
Thank you Pulse, and thanks to the Pioneer engineers for the great thought and quality that was put into this mixer as far as sound and features are concerned. I love the well rounded, warmer, fuller, yet very crisp sound this mixer puts out. Awesome.
Right now I use MIDI Pages for control FX in Serato + VIDEO:
Take a look at this page from Dj Tech tools. They just started a MIDI Maps database page. Here's the link and check out the video too
Video : http://www.djtechtools.com/2012/04/20/maps-d-midi-mapping-database/
Web site : http://maps.djtechtools.com/
Hope this helps :)
yea.. i do.
type a: 4 buttons for more cue points: (stutter_play, stop, go to cue, set cue) / page 1 is for deck a, and page 2 is for deck b,
type a: master up, down and play for master (the play is for autoplay on/off; and the up/down is for next/previous track)
type b: 2 buttons and 1 slider for sampler/jingles control: (sampler_stutter_play, sampler stop, sampler volume) / page 1 is sampler 1-4, page 2 is sampler 5-8
type c: 12 buttons (3x4) to beat juggle (the left&right columns: seek -16, seek +16, seek -8, seek +8, seek -4, seek +4, seek -1, seek+1) then the center column for looping tactics while beat juggling: (loop 16, 8, 4, 1) page 1 is for deck a, and page 2 is for deck b,
type d: 3 buttons and 1 touch pad.. ideally this would be great to replace the mouse all together, especially with dual touch. drag and drop. page 1 for mouse movement, page 2 for scrolling. unfortunately, you need a midi to mouse software and that cost money. so i don't use it. hopefully, one day pioneer will have "type: mouse" right, center, left click, and a mouse pad, especially with use of their very own: "rekordbox", drag and drop the file to the deck you want.
how about adding "type: mouse" .. which really, it's a universal thing for all computers.
the layout would be similar to similar to type d. 3 buttons at the top and a mouse pad right beneath it for use with rekordbox, traktor, virtualdj, ableton, etc.
this is the one type i would definitely appreciate and use consistently.
..and for all you dj's that ask me why i prefer virtualdj over serto, traktor, or rekordbox, here is a reason. virtualdj is the easiest software to map midi commands. you simply click on the button to 'learn' new command, click the midi button, and assign a function to that midi command. :)
Don't you have a trackpad on your computer?
MrDjRoman, Are you the same Roman from moscow who throws the massive psytrance parties? :)
I like DJ Shahar's Suggestion for a "Mouse" option.
Thats one less function you need to depend on your laptop for if you want true hands free operation.
Still no approximate day for the new firmware. I dont want to be late when it arrives.