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Modded DJM900, added the DJM800 rotary kit to it (pic inside) :)

So since I LOVE rotaries and had to get the DJM900 this week, I decided to mess with the rotary from the 800 and get it into the 900.  No offense to Pioneer, but they could have very easily did a kit for this, I am no engineer and I got this thing up in running in no time. I fitted the wires and kit to the 900 easily, Now I just have to hit a machine shop to have the bottom half of the stock fader plate cut so i can mount that, then I am finished. Oh yeah, and I took out the yellow from the efx button, its now blue :)



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thank you, can't wait to get the plate cut and get it back together, I am so happy i was able to get this is.

BriChi 0 votos
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@BriChi > I agree Pioneer could easily have produced a rotary kit for the 900 but the demand simply wasn't there (just like the 800). I've been watching your discussion with another user on a certain other forum about this mod. ;)

As for every one else, we remind you that Pioneer does not endorse this process and you risk damaging your equipment or hurting yourself carrying out this mod.

Gavin 0 votos
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Thanks for the info Gavin, I can't wait to get the new plate to cut and finish. I am making sure I don't give to much tech info out because I don't want threads to be deleted or locked but I figured some users may get a kick out of it!

BriChi 0 votos
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oh and Gavin, Just curious on which other forum thread? I have one on another forum but nothing was really shared or discussed, just quick replies like "nice job" and "you're crazy" LOL

BriChi 0 votos
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mod 1 done, added a pic, the other way I am debating is leaving the original rotary kit together and cutting the 900 fader plate in half for it to fit, Still undecided what route to go, My original rotary kit plate is so warn out, I figured this all looks more new. 

BriChi 0 votos
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so how did you attach the rotary to the 900 plate on the other side ?

ali_you 0 votos
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@ali_you > Sorry, he's not going to tell you - not on these forums anyway.

Gavin 0 votos
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you beat me to it Gav, Sorry ali_you, I cannot give out any info or the post will be deleted rightfully so, No info can be shared but I can tell you (I think), Is that it is easier to do then you would think and after all goes well, no damage will be done (Unless it is caused by the user doing it)

BriChi 0 votos
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I think i like this much better, Cut the stock 900 plate the same size as the 800 plate and it fits perfect, just need to hook it all up and screw it down once i am home

BriChi 0 votos
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Plate is 'used' ... Impossible to get a fresh look ?

L V G 0 votos
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only way is to buy a new rotary kit for $150, don't wanna spend any more right now, I was hoping to get just the plate being that the knobs are fine but no luck, I did however clean up all the worn out markings so it is all black now, it looks a lot nicer

BriChi 0 votos
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latest pics as of tonight, Pulled the rotary plate back out and painted it gloss back with a little metallic, also put dark purple led's in all the cues, thats a lot of led's!!!, 2 per cue. The purple is a lot darker then what you see in the pic, the blues and reds also look so light for whatever reason, but you get the point :)

BriChi 0 votos
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thanks Morgo, Used it all live yesterday, it was so great being back to my rotary knobs, i missed them, lol

BriChi 0 votos
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@BriChi > I think that confirms it for me... you've gone completely bonkers! lol Awesome job though man!

I have to admit though, your last 2 photos really mess with my mind though, I always think of a knob as a gain kinda, so it's weird to see the channel levels all the way up when the rotary knob is at 0. lol

But what happened to that big chunk on the newly cut DJM-900 piece on the top left side? Was the person who cut it a bit rough and chipped it or something?

Foster 0 votos
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thanks foster, I love what I did, LOL  i missed the rotary after buying this mixer and the mod seemed simple enough


I didn't watch the guy cut the plate so I am not sure exactly what happened, but when i got it back he said he was sorry and a tiny piece of the paint chipped, it was no big deal, especially since he did it for free :)   I did get another new 900 plate, I was debating having it cut too to see if it could come out with not minor chips

BriChi 0 votos
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by the way, before anyone comments, I know the mixer is all redlined, i was purposely heating it up to make sure i cut the foam out for proper heat/air flow

BriChi 0 votos
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that is exactly what i need i need you to make me on for the 900nxs


Carlton Bacot 0 votos
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Pioneer you make i will buy it i just love the rotary.

Carlton Bacot 0 votos
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I know pioneer doesn't want to make a rotary kit for the 900 because they don't see the return on their investment, however, i wish they would make an installation kit that would allow you to use the DJM-800 rotary kit in the DJM-900NXS. i would scoop one up asap, maybe even 2. and all they would have to do is make an adaptor and a faceplate. 

What brichi has provided us with is proof of concept. Many thanks!

Louie V 0 votos
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its really just a matter of them making a bottom plate and an adapter for each connector at the end of the rotary wire

BriChi 0 votos
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hey bri. i must say, you really got some balls tempering with an expensive equiptment :). but the end results is looking good. if i was you i would totally get  custom skin layout from styleflip.com and make it look as if it was one whole face plate.   by the way what kind of led did you use on the mixer and the cdj play cue buttons ?

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thank you!

I was debating the style flip but I just got a brand new rotary kit so everything looks new and shiny, once shit starts wearing then i'll get the decal/sticker

can't give out and info really on the leds by mods request but I will say they are your standard led's you can get at any online led place, the size you will have to see for yourself once you open, sorry. I would tell ya more if I thought it wouldn't get deleted,

BriChi 0 votos
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yo brichi, my name is eliot range and i'm on FB. i have some questions that probably aren't forum approved!

I'm repping Chicago, but I spent 10 years in the rotten apple :)

erange 0 votos
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 brichi please hit me up on fb  " katnip trax ",, im from brooklyn  . i think you gonna like what i did on my djm 900 :D

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