The 2000 is the flagship mixer in the DJM range - we have submitted all reported issues, wishes and queries to the engineers. We expect an update in due course.
I've owned the 2000 series for almost 2 years, and I'm dumbfounded the lack of support on the 2000. I praise the new products that pioneer is giving new products out for different competing markets. However, the lack of any news or updates for the 2000, especially the mixer seems like us DJM-2000 owners are left in the dust. Is the 2000 a dis-continued updating product? or is Pioneer merely going to cater to the new and shining knights they try to roll out. I'm mainly pointing out some particular parts of the mixer of the known issues, like noise too loud, and the Remix function of the LED screen to be more "impressive" if thats a word for it. I may be slightly out-raged and out of liine, but I just would like to hear some news of the 2000.
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The 2000 is the flagship mixer in the DJM range - we have submitted all reported issues, wishes and queries to the engineers. We expect an update in due course.
Im a little lost at this one?
the 2k as Gav rightly says is a flagship.
in my opinion it far outweighs all the other mixers ok there are some things that need fixing but i think this is a slight over reaction assuming it will be left in the dust or discontinued,
in the old days you bought a product and got what it said on the tin and no one was working to improve it to make it better,
i understand you may want an update and so do i but i wouldnt swap it for any of the newer products in a million years.
think yourself lucky they can fix these anomolies but i wouldnt worry too much as it is far from un useable!!
I think my reaction was merely based on what seems to be a lack of interest or news of the 2000. I am proud of the 2000m, and i don't think i mentioned saying its "worse" than the 850. Their different levesl of mixers. However I was making a point of the lack of information being presented to the users. But yes, I still use the 2000 jsut fine, just some functions would work better~ if fixed.
@ Pionix:
It seems you have no matter you are talking about! The DJM 2000 issues started right after the last update! (sidechain, noise, incorrect behaviour...)
In case of this they have to make it work. And it is a boldness we have to wait for it so long. They could offer an update just for the volume and than continue doing other things or adding maybe (yeah Pioneer maybe, because I don't belive that there will come more funktionallity) mor features and new function! And yes, I know what I'm talking about, I nearly have to work with it every day!
So please @ everyone here, I've read so much the last time that everything is perfect and fine. For me it is NOT, I spend a lot of money and for a self-appointed "leader in DJ technology and club standart setter" the equipment has to work 100% fine, without any doubt! And as I see around me and also here in the forum I'm NOT THE ONLY ONE with this oppinion. So please Pioneer, wake up and make your products work!
Totally agree with you Xador, we asked the same thing out of this update (v2) and nothing since.
Do not lose hope the DJM2000 is updated once a year in July ...
Huge for this mixer at the top of the range for Pioneer.
Have one myself and its a great mixer and have no problems with it, the only thing I would say looking at a lot of clubs its the djm 900 installed, Ok maybe they cant afford to splash out or it could be the forgotten mixer.
@DJSD > of course they can afford to splash out, they usually have a Nexus and 3-4 CDJ-2000s...
I believe that the DJM-2000 mixer is definitely the flagship mixer. I think that most DJs are just more comfortable with the original DJM-800 format.
@ Xador you seem to be under the impression that i am not bothered that there are issues which is incorrect,
My point was it was an over reaction, i have waited for 2 years for my cdjs to be near perfect and i am happy in the fact that we know things can be done to rectify and improve.
im sure the djm2000 will have these few issues fixed it will be as everyone wants it to be,
Like i said lets face it ..... its far from un usable and people are ranting like its the forgotten lowly mixer that everyone wishes they hadnt bought and its far from it.
kicking off and ranting generally doesnt make any difference to timescales of fixes around here and im sure there is more to come.
We have been told rekordbox is going to have massive new features and they have only just got it stable ........ chill young padawan
EDIT: Xador, you are officially being warned that your post was inappropriate and inflammatory. We don't give second warnings.
nice ......... /end of conversation.
your approach is really unnecessary.
I'm sorry Pionix, but guys like you are the reason why nothing goes on. If you post something here in any part of the forum, doesn't matter @ cdj or djm, everytime someone like you comes around with: "hey, everything is fine and perfect, rainbow all the way...!"
If it is normal for you, to buy something for 2k and you have to wait 2 years that nearly all functionallity is working, I really cannot help you.
And in case of the DJM 2000 it is more worse! The sidechain and noise and some ohter things were working perfectly fine!!! And they have "destroyed" it with the last update. And in this case there are 2 points for me:
1) Don't they test it??? I mean, every deaf one can hear that there is a massive problem with the volum!
2) If this happens, than you have to "repair" it as fast as you can as company. I really really really cannot understand what the problem is, to bring out a small fix of it!
By the way, when I'm looking on your picture, are you actually a DJM 2000 owner? Because if your picture is actual I see something like a 800?
Xador, i think you need to check your attitude. pionix is one of the coolest, most helpful guys on here. Show a bit of respect to fellow members in future.
This thread is locked after I add these $0.02...
$0.01: The DJM850 was developed by different engineers than the DJM2000. Just because a new product is released doesn't mean it a) is taking resources away from the DJM2000 changes you seek, and b) hasn't been in the pipeline for a while -- did you think this just popped out of the Pioneer oven overnight?
$0.02: The DJM2000, as noted, IS the Pioneer flagship mixer and will remain there until a new flagship is released. It is NOT being ignored, in fact, it's still selling quite well and the issues you've all noted have been passed along to the engineers for review. Just because a problem is reported doesn't necessarily mean it will be fixed (as it's not always a "problem"), nor does it mean it will happen next week.
Your patience is always appreciated, as are your comments. Let's just keep them friendly, concise and topical.