Well the thread that Brichi made last night was deleted im sure due to the official post from pulse.
It should mean that atleast... with a djm 900 update.
Good to see the DJM900 just receive a firmware update.
The year long wait for an update on the firmware of Pioneers flagship mixer, the DJM2000 must be very nearly round the corner. . .
Looking forward to it...
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Well the thread that Brichi made last night was deleted im sure due to the official post from pulse.
It should mean that atleast... with a djm 900 update.
They're 2 separate mixers, it means nothing.
Have some faith Mark
Mark90 is saying the situation is that, both mixers have different development schedules. Hence cant really justify saying 900 mixer update, means a 2000 update.....
I'm hopeful~~
Oh I still have faith, there'll be an update, but as SpeakerHandz explained, there's no reason to believe that one product's development is tied to the other in the 900 and 2000's case.
Yeah I'm in the glass half empty look on things. But on the half glass full side when it does come it will be a major up date with that survey they we did awhile ago :( :) :( :) oh I don't know what to think anymore!!!!! Sucks:/
I really hope they will bring out a new update for the 2000 to adress some more stuff like gain levels, quantize precision and more usefull stuff.
I especially liked the EQ idea that was submitted in one other part of the forum..
Anyways, hopefully we will see some updates for the whole 2000 range including RB
Hey guys,
my name is Jack and i just registered myself on this forum after reading this and other topics about the updates.
I too own a DJM-2000 and 3 cdj-2000s
I was a little dissappointed to see the mixer has not received another update :(
Well.. the whole 2000 series and Rekordbox software did not get much updates for some time =[ Why is this?
I wish I knew.
@Jack nobody knows that..
@ALL I feel everyone on this forum or who reads this topics should write an e-mail with the problems/complaints and/or firmware suggestions they have.
The production suggestions e-mail from pioneer is on the upper right corner ;)
Well okay then.. F!rmwar3 has a valid point here.. I will also try to send them an e-mail.
I will monitor this topic for future postings ;) thanks for the answers so far guys
Before I knew about this website, I sent Pioneer an email with a concern about the equipment I had at the time.
I never heard back from the company at all so I stumbled upon this Forum to further help me with that issue.
I honestly don't think sending Pioneer direct emails will get you anywhere.
I never hear back from the emails either, I am sure the requests/issues go up on a board as they come in, probably too many to answer each person,,,,,orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr those emails have a rule to go straight to trash bin, LOL
BriChi most of the times when sending a well constructed e-mail I asked for a reply of my email being read by Pioneer.
50 percent of the time I did receive a reply back but quite late..
I received an e-mail from Pioneer, and this is what it said:
"Thank you for contacting Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc.
Pulse reports directly to our product developers, so the issue is being investigated.
As Pulse mentioned, we do not have an ETA for the issue to be corrected.
Thank you
Customer Service Representative"
So contacting them doesn't help, even bugging Pulse doesn't help, we have to wait for the dumb "slow" developers to sort this issue. I just hope they actually do tests this time before sending out an update, so that we don't get stuck with another update that they messed up.
Wwell it's July now, so hopefully we'll have the annual flagship mixer firmware update, since they've had ample time to implement a stellar update....
@MUSICHAOS let's hope so.. I would be really happy to see a big, flawless update for the DJM to make it complete!
lol that made me chuckle the use of the word flawless!!
and update would be good a flawless update would be nigh on impossible.
I did not know this problem was bothering so many people.. well guys it does bother me too..
i installed the update like a year ago.. and many things where wrong (imo) like quantize precision (especially noticeable on effects like sliproll) and then ofcourse the noise and sidechain levels.
There where also some very usefull suggestions on this forum (well actually a LOT, also on the old forums.. I understand not everything CAN and WILL be implemented but still..)
I read somewhere that a forum member said something like.. Pioneer is this even your flagship mixer? and it turned out to be!
Well then I would expect updates when they are needed (especially in this case)
I remember issues with other FWs as well like on the 2000 which took ages.. but at least most of them got fixed.
Just my 2 cents here.. had to share it with you guys
By the way they're handling this issue, I don't believe it's their flagship mixer in their eyes. They only care about their new mixers, hence why the 900 received an update. I bet they're working on releasing a new mixer and not even working on a fix. Doesn't take a over a year to fix an issue that they created themselves. I can build five houses in that time with my two hands.
Thumbs down pioneer.
Weird, Jason82 just posted his thoughts about this, and it looks like his reply was deleted.
Ah never mind, the mobile version didn't update. I see it now. Mods, please delete this MSG and my previous one, but not the one before that lol. Thanks
is my post deleted? i can still see it.. weird..
Ahh no problem ;) dont get to paranoid now haha :)
I think, we have to shout out a "happy birthday" @ the 19th of July for the worst customer support ever.
I don't know if Pioneer face it seriously, but here in Germany they have become serious image problems over the last 3 years. I know many DJ's, also Top Dj's playing for thousands of people a night, who get rid of the approach to their customers. I know from many of them that this was the last equipment they bought of the company who calls themself "leader in DJ Technology". There are a lot of alternatives over the last years especially in the mixer section, which have better support, quality and sound quality!
So face it Pioneer, stop throwing new products @ the market and take care of the existing!
I mean, last Recordbox crashed the whole bib, last DJM 2000 update makes the sidechain and noise for me unusable and the CDJ 2000 has STILL massive drift problems although you are still in denial about it (read the 1000 posts @ the CDJ forum)!
Let's face it.. Pioneer is a BIG brand in the DJ market and I (and many others among me) use this as professional gear to make a living with..
**So this is actually the point which frustrates me the most, I paid soo much money for my 3x CDJ-2000s, DJM-2000, HDJ-2000 and S-DJ08s.. I literally put every penny in my Studio which is filled mainly with Pioneer stuff.
I would be blessed to see some great things happening from Pioneers Software/Firmware developmenent team.**
To begin with
- Rekordbox
- DJM-2000
**- CDJ-2000 **
+1000000 on the comments above!
Okay so I wanted to post a complaint here. but the topic is alreaady here so that saves me some typing lol
WOW WOW WOW, and here I was thinking it's just me! I am not sure if I should feel happy or sad that I am not alone!
I am so surprised that the so called leader in the industry with their flagship mixer has left so many of its customers pleading for a resolution to a problem that they caused due to a dis-functional chain of command within their company. (developers to quality assurance to here)
I spent all night last night reading through all the posts related to the djm2000 firmware issues and I waited until today to join this site so that I would comment with a clear mind.
It was very disappointing to see members' comments being removed and posts getting locked. I am a member of 2 other DJ forums and I can certainly understand that one cannot use profanity but I think members have every right to be angry by now. I could not believe how many times with in a spam of months this issue was brought back up and the professional reply was not so satisfying and not so professional all the time.
Another thing I can not believe here is as soon as you come to these forums, you see "problems with RKBOX?" here is a lower version....lol
Anyways, I look forward to the new firmware fix and can only hope that they don't brake anything else as it's now very clear that that would mean another year, at least, before they fix that....Fix or no fix, I am strongly considering other brands now.
Pioneer customer support, You messed up huge! Huge! Huuuuuuuuuuuuuge! big thumbs down to you.
Well said.
Notice how the mods aren't even replying anymore. This is crazy. Are djm2000s being sold today with this messed up firmware? I bought the mixer when there wasn't any sound issues, I liked it like that, there was still some issues, but those I could have felt with. These new "over 1 year old now" issues suck. FIX the problem already. I'm not taking this out on you mods, I know you guys don't even care, cause all you do is push this mixer to the side and start playing with another one, but most of us customers only have one, and this issue is driving us crazy.