I would also love to hear from DJ JAY here as he has had the most reasonable input that I have read here so far.
Hi I am JW and I am a new member here. As stated in the other thread which someone closed for some reason, I have a legitimate question for whoever is in charge of these forums. I would like you to note that I spent all night reading through ALL of the posts related to the broken firmware for the DJM 2000 and have done my home work so an intelligent response would be highly appreciated as I can clearly see a battle going on here between Pioneer representatives and their customers which I want no part of (I would like to note though there is no doubt in my mind that these forums are being misrepresented and that is my judgment on how these topics keep getting closed so the bad publicity moves down in the list and does not draw attention here on these forums)....
Anyways here is my question...
Since the users of the DJM 2000 have been screwed for just shy of one year now and with no updates as to when we might see a fix and hopefully improvements, can you guys as Pioneer representatives here provide me and others a list of what your engineers/developers are looking at to fix? I feel that this is a very reasonable request and it will only help Pioneer deliver a more satisfaction to their already disappointed customers.
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I would also love to hear from DJ JAY here as he has had the most reasonable input that I have read here so far.
John, it is Pioneer's policy not to announce when updates to hardware, software or firmware will be released, nor what updates they may contain. As previously stated, Pioneer is aware of your concerns and is working hard to address the issue. Please watch the forums for an announcement post when an update is available.