Hehe, as well as the CDJ 2000 update! ;-)
I'm actually thinking of baking a birthday cake for the worst customer service ever...
Ooh yeah baby, the inferior 900 mixer has copped a firmware update, so obviously the 2000 Mixers' update will blow that mixer out of the water.
Just saying.
Looking fwd to RB 1.6 too:)
La publicación no admite más comentarios.
Hehe, as well as the CDJ 2000 update! ;-)
I'm actually thinking of baking a birthday cake for the worst customer service ever...
BTW, threat will be closed in:
In my thread earlier last week or so, I was misunderstood...All I was trying to ask is if we can be aware of the list of bugs reported. I would hate for something to have been missed in the "fix" that we all have been crying about for a year now. I don't see anything wrong with a thread that only lists the broken items of the DJM 2000 mixer (no new ideas, that can be left to Pioneer). Just saying also....
I had done this a few times and also sent this to Pioneer @ some suggestion and support adresses but I don't know if they take this serious, because I've never heard anything from them till now!
So here one more time:
DJM 2000:
- The mixer definitely needs a 100% fade of the jet AND the filters in the inst fx section!!!
- The gain/volume of the noise and side chains MUST set down maybe to the old level or a bit increased! I nearly blow up the sound system when using it the first time!!!
- It would be nice to have the full bpm in the screen (with decimals), f.e. 128,34 bpm!
- @ The new reverb, it would be awesome to set the length of the tail by turning the freq. knobs from 12 to end, like in the echo! Then you've got the ability of room changing and of length of the reverb! This is very important by doing some melodic music (Trance, House), because you can splash out vocals or melodies without changing the pitch like with the room size :-)
- It would be awesome, when you using the side chain sample, that if no frequency is selected, you get a 4 beat loop to play with, like a roll! Imagine how crazy stuff you can do by changing the pitch with a finger
- And also, if no frequency is selected, you can use the oscillators 1-4 as a drum pad, just by hitting the touch screen! :-)
- And maybe, it should have a high pitch at the zip effect too, but I don't know exactly, how to realize it with the parameter knob... (Your creativity is asked!!! J )
- New Effects to the side chain, or additive effects from the 900 NEXUS
If anyone want more, post it! ;-)
@Xador :
As much as I agree and would love to see some new features, given their reputation over the past year, my only focus right now is to get the broken stuff fixed first. I don't have much hope in this dysfunctional company to output a fix never mind upgrades.
That's why I would like to see a list of bugs that have been reported so we can have input in case something is missed.
I think the DJM 900 is secretly the Flagship mixer ;o)
DJM 2000 owners just don't like to admit it lol
I agree and admit it. The writing is on the wall...
i will say though that they are both great bits of kit and would be just as happy with a DJM 2000 as i am with my 900
I want my 900 back :( the lack of support does feel good when you spend 3 grand
Bare with it mate, I'm sure when they put the update out you will be more than happy with it again. Just think back to about 3-4 years ago when you couldn't get updates and you literally got what was in the box. Frustrating having to wait but I'm sure it will be released soon.
Ya I know, you're probibbly right but easier said than done :) 1 year is way too long for bug fixes :(`
who says we're getting an update??? the djm 2000 appears to be getting brushed under the carpet,and largely forgotten about, i mean, how many promo vids have you seen it featured in the past year........... my guess is it will be discontinued very soon :/
I am also hoping to see a good djm2000 update which contains bugfixes, better quantize and perhaps some more useful things.
I am counting on pioneer after investing more then 20k into their equipment
Ahh good to see this Topic.
Like the people above stated, it would be essential to see a new FW update for the DJM-2000
**MUST haves are: gain levels fixed, improve accuracy of quantize.**
There have also been a lot of great both small and bigger suggestions which would be really helpfull. (they are in different topics on this forum but i am sure they where read)
I particulary liked the idea of using the Frequency mix mode screen as a sort of EQ
Anyway.. first things first.. I hope to see a DECENT update for any of us using and/or owning a DJM-2000 with the essential stuff and maybe some other small suprises.
I hope it happens aswell guys :/ tho i want to add here, if you use rekordbx and adjust the beatgrids accuratly when needed, the quantise for the effects is completely 100% accurate, but to add here ( maby needs a new thread) when quantise is on, when using the loop cutter on the cdj 2000 the bpm is completely out of sync when halving values.
@Aaron I also have problems with the accuracy. try sliproll for example.. I feel it sounds very weird and unnatural when using it creatively on the fly. there where more effects where I noticed it, I know disabled quantize and for some reason I like it better. hoping they can take a look at this.
p.s. I'm also waiting patiently like all of you guys ;) i will be following this thread
i respect what you say, you probly wouldnt of found this forum unless you knew your stuff, but for me quantise works perfectly on the mixer, but as ( i think) pulse mentioned before a product bought at a certain time is a completely diferent product to one bought at a later date, this would explain why different people have different issues with the same product.
im going to leave a link to a rekordbox video, ( please dont think im being patronising, because it isnt intended, and for all i know you may be a phenominal dj, but it helped me) but spend the 6 mininutes watching it, and if your quantise issues arnt fixed then im fresh out of ideas as to what it could be :/
@Aaron I know all of that stuff, but thanks for the video anyway and it might be helpfull to others on here.
Let me add that I don't have the QUANTIZE problems on every effect, just a few where they seem a little offbeat and thus sound bad.
I particulary noticed it with sliproll (and changing its size) I know other djs that feel the same about this and also saw this mentioned in a few other topics.
Have to agree with aaron as I have said numerous times the DJM 2000 has being nearly forgotten about, especially in their promo videos and the people to blame for this are the pioneer marketing people remind me never to believe them when they release a product and call it flag ship what a load of rubbish.
@xador, with the zip effect, if the parameter knob was all the way to the left, it could be for high pitch and all the way to the right for low pitch. That way the channel inst effect knobs would still do the same thing
@Marsano: Very good idea!
That is one GREAT idea man!
but ofcourse besides litle other stuff they must make sure that all the primary stuff is fully working.
I agree it is a pretty cool idea, but like jack said lets fix the important stuff first!
I hope Pioneer exceeds my expectations ;)
and it doesnt take a lot to exceed that.. lol
Yep, just waiting for the usual Moderator "The firmware will be here, when it is here" comment and shut the thread down.
No profanity for those fragile childrens' ears so they can't use that excuse.
Pioneer needs to get motivated on these blatant discrepancies.
since I am new here I spent a lot of time reading these forums...What I noticed is that the MODs don't comment on these things until they have a chance to respond to comments like above (which I agree with)....Then they just close it down...Just sayin'
I think it is absolutely ludicrous that they will not post the reported bugs. They expect us to trust them. I just know we are all going to be disappointed when and if this firmware update comes out. I mean these are the same people that 1. let this go under the radar for 1 year now and 2. actually released this "virus" yes I call the latest DJM 2000 firmware a virus as it crippled my mixers features.
I am so tired of checking here day in and day out for a fix. This is an absolute joke. SHAME ON YOU PIONEER "PRO" DJ!
Hey Guys, I am also new here but please don't get this thread closed as well.. (yes i saw the previous threads on here -_-)
I am also hoping a new firmware will arise which further improves the mixer (and possibly add something new as well)
I emailed and called support and they DID say that the 2000 is their flagship mixer and they passed my suggestions and I also told them there where many complaints on the forum, they assured me they where looking into it.
maybe when they get this update right its time to work on a big, fat Rekordbox update --> 1.6 --> Faster --> Stable
United we stand! We are not trying to be rude, we are just expressing our frustrations. What the Mods need to realize is that we don't sign in to tick them off daily with our comments. We are signing in, hoping, that there is an update and when there is not, we get frustrated all over again.
Hi, I'm totally in complete agreement with your posts, but, if it is right what Gregory said, I would reopen a new treat, in which all fixes wishes and suggestions should come, nothing else. I hope the mods wont close it and work constructive with us together, f.e. pass it along and wont say to anything it is fine and not possible!
I will start with my list and I hope you guys will follow and write polite and constructive your suggestions!