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DJM2000 Firmware update

Are we there yet?

Sorry for beating that dead horse, but cmon, give us a f*****g sign.

We are still waiting for this one and you guys just keep on pushing one product after another while some of us want the mixer to work like it did before with the levels..


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Don't hold your breath too much in here ... 'soon' is the only thing they are able to say since more then + 1 year ...

L V G 0 votos
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Absolutely god damn right mate ! WTF ! 

D Mark Mills 0 votos
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It's gone more than 14 months since the last update... I wouldn't be too surprised if Pioneer released a DJM-2000 Nexus.

I hope I'm wrong...

oakstream 0 votos
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Oh no... I that would suck.  If they do, I hope there's a hardware upgrade option for us DJM-2000 owners.

Shere Kaan 0 votos
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One buys a flagship "future proof" mixer at a premium price tag with the expectancy that it will remain the flagship for a long time and we are under the impression that all concerns would be handled with priority over other mixers.

I dont see this being addressed on this awesome mixer.

DJMe 0 votos
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I have a trusted Pioneer source and he assured me they are working on a software update! I guess we will have to wait and see. (again)

I also dislike the fact this is going on for so long now :( Kinda makes me sad.. if they do release a new hw mixer shortly at least we all know what great support we might get (NOT)



Jack EDM 0 votos
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Guys, it is more important to bring out every 2 weeks new stuff! Much much much more important than keep the existing costumers satisfied! They spent their money, so they are not interesting any more.

I'm so done with Pioneer, I even cannot explain how screwed I feel. Over one year: "There will be an update soon"... XD for a mixer which should be the be supported product from them, as the "flagship" and also as the most expensive one in the range.

If they really will bring out an update, then only for the using with the CDJ 2000 NXS and nothing else.

Xador 0 votos
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I also lost faith in Pioneer.

As a event organiser I purchased 15 DJM-2000s but still NO support :(

Not happy with the current situation! They just should keep improving the 2000 and push out some updates/fixes.

REALLY, they should!

F!RMWAR3 0 votos
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You mean to tell me that there is no one in the Pioneer organization that reads these forms other than the MODs that thinks we are worthy of a response better than soon? What does that say about this company we all invest our money in?

This is an absolute joke. Shame on you Pioneer! Shame on you!

john.walsh 0 votos
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Update for CDJ2000, Update for CD900... Nothing for DJM2000...

I have a dream...

PoDeZebi 0 votos
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Look, I understand some of you are angry at the lack of progress - I get it. Pulse gets it. We've passed along the information.

We've already told you in other threads what we weren't supposed to tell you - so please, take a second, put down the pitchforks and read between the lines.

Gavin 0 votos
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