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Ive read it a thousand of times.. similar threads and questions and although I understand the moderators do their best to get things to the right people I am still questioning myself why pioneer does not ACT on issues.. and why do they have unpaid mods instead of real pio people from the dev teams on here
I'm just stunned that they keep deleting posts! It's simple you screwed up and still haven't apologized for it.
It's really sad, first with RB and now with the 2000 nexus, the first page of this company's support website shows people how they have screwed their customers royally.
While your at it, put an announcement on your screw up of the djm 2000 and state that it's been over a year since its been brought to pioneers attention and how you're "still working on it". God help us, these are the same people that stampted the current firmware as "good"! And released it!
Both thumbs down pioneer; I ain't no fan boy or a sucker. I will be heard so new comers don't make the same mistake as I did in investing in your broken, unsupported equipment. I'll open a thousand accounts just so I warn my fellow DJs.
We'll get a White DJM2000 Nexus release before a FW update:P
Looks like the facebook page is prepped :)
Google is a clever old thing.
So instead of giving us a firmware update they've built a new mixer, well I'm not surprised...
GREAT.. so they decided to build a new mixer instead of supporting their current flagship.. that is just crazy..
Ive emailed pioneer in the past and they told me a new update should come this fall..
As I said give them to the end of nov, then it's a case of arguing that the firmware has rendered the djm unfit for purpose ( as per trade description act) as a fair amount of effects are now useless.
At the prices pioneer now charge for the 2000 series bug are pretty unacceptable, never mind long term issues
I remember saying I wouldn't touch the nexus when just out as it'd be the same story as the cdj 2000's release, pulse insisted otherwise and the nexus were fully tested and not rushed - where did things go wrong?
I thought this would happen.
Well I jumped in and bought the cdj nexus decks thinking they would work (after all the problems with my cdj 2000 mk1s) but how stupid was I!
There's no chance I'm doing that again with a djm 2000 nexus.
I've arranged to go try an xone db4 - hopefully I will be saying goodbye pioneer!
I just want to hear what Pioneer's biggest fan boys Pulse and Gavin will say to us if there really is a DJM2000Nexus about to come out instead of our firmware. If that day comes, I promise, I will post a picture of my A&H gear which I will buy with my middle finger up in the air to this company.
Pioneer you've outdone yourself by now. removing posts is just a B!T@H move. We all help out by contributing to this site day in and day out. You treat us like dirt!! I will never ever again in a million years spend a dime on Pioneer products (tvs, car stuff, Dj gear, home theaters etc.).
You are a dishonest company that wants the grab the consumers money and run with it. Shame on you and all your representatives. Your a joke.
After seeing the f/book page ,would the moderators like to comment on how the djm 2000 is the said"Flagship"mixer and that pioneer is continuing to support all of it's products that so many of it's loyal followers who have spent thousands of pounds ££££££ only to find that the products are all flawed and don't operate correctly as stated in their marketing and advertising . Thus misleading it's customers into believing that Pioneer have been busy working hard on the solutions to the mountain of product flaws/fails, only to find out in the end that Pioneer have been busy working on a whole new range of products to replace the previous range of faulty products because it had too many problems that should have been realised in development and not put on sale to the public until fixed/solved. Please do not tell us that the new range is based on hardware deficiencies that the previous range is no longer able to achieve, as this is not an adequate reason for failing to support your existing customers product range which has basically been written off/shelved as a financial loss to Pioneer with a mild statement that Pioneer will continue to support the older equipment when clearly just by Pioneers LACK OF SUPPORT IN MANY AREAS OF IT'S PRODUCT RANGE this is a lie. I would like to point out to all of the modertors that none of what goes into these post is any way dierected at you in a personal manner ,you do have a difficult job especially at the moment, the anger you find in these posts is directed at Pioneer for the very poor custmer satisfaction and very poor customer care let alone the awful and shameful misleading statements that Pioneer have made with it's supposed product support so I look forward to your reply with the hope that there will be some truth to the above post.
No it's not pointed at the mods but, you have to question them when they delete your posts when asking simple questions.
Hmm i have also found a page on dj resource that i have had to translate from dutch but its very informative.
i wont post a link as that would be naughty :)
@john.walsh > We have to keep moving posts because we can't answer users questions without wading through a ton re-posts.
Again, I'm going to say this one more time.
@Pionix > Want to know how I know that page is an authorised Pioneer page / fake? They're not even using the proper logo - and when it comes to logo use, Pioneer are extremely vigilant in how their logo is used by subsidiaries. Sorry!
@oakstream > Absolutely not - this is why threads like these are closed. A little bit of hear'say becomes a full blown rumour that is taken out of all context and blown out of proportion. Please not what I said above.
@Jack > EDM > Correct, an update is on the way.
@cdjbasile > I do apologise that there have been issues but I believe you should be pretty happy at the end of November.
@john.walsh > We'd probably give you an answer if you didn't resort to name calling.
@Mark Mills > Please read what I said to Pionix and Oakstream above. I assure you, Pioneer are working hard to address the requests of the users (although I know it doesn't seem like that to many of you). Pioneer are committed to making the best and most functional DJ gear available through discussing issues and ideas with forum users and implementing those ideas where possible by means of firmware updates. I completely understand you are not attacking any of the moderators - I realise you are only venting your frustration and, honestly, this would be the right place to do it. I appreciate your patience and hope that you feel we have addressed your issues by the end of November.
@Leee > There have been no deletions of 'simple questions'. Opening threads and shouting "you're crap" is constructive to no one and subsequently, those are the threads that are closed. We cannot get to other users questions when such threads are blocking our workflow.
@Pionix > DJresource is run by a Pioneer employee. So I'm pretty certain in saying anything that is there is a rumour also.