I have a late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina 2.3 Ghz i7, 16GB Ram , 512 SSD.
Hello I am having an audio crackle and distortion problem whenever I use my DJM900SRT with my new Haswell Retina MBP. The problems occurs when there is playback either using the supplied Serato DJ software or 900SRT as a sound card for iTunes. This problem ONLY occurs with the new MBP Retina, and not with any of my other macbook computers. They are all running latest version of mavericks. I have all the newest firmware available for my DJM900SRT. I have tried rebooting, shutting off wifi, bluetooth, etc nothing seems to fix the problem. I have a late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina 2.3 Ghz i7, 16GB Ram , 512 SSD.
Attached is a video link highlighting the problem.
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I have a late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina 2.3 Ghz i7, 16GB Ram , 512 SSD.
Sorry to hear about this issue Freefall, I've opened a ticket with the engineers to get further info.
Thanks for the quick response!
Same prob. Same computer here.
Same problem with the same computer. Except mine is a 2.6ghz i7 Haswell. So frustrating. The company that I buy my equipment from at to lend me an sl1. It's not normal
The engineers have managed to reproduce the issue and are working to track down the cause. Thanks for your patience.
Nice. Great job mPulse
Thank you guys! Looking forward to a solution.
Thanks, really looking forward to an update for this issue
Exact Same Computer, Same Problem! Help!
Pioneer doesn't seem to be in a hurry to fix this problem. Let's see, 2300$ mixer and a 3500$ laptop. 5800$ before tax for something that doesn't work. I think we all have the right to be pissed off.
Not in a hurry? Quite the contrary! They not only were able to replicate and trace the problem, but they have developed a fix and are currently in the testing stages of the new firmware and/or driver(s)! Your patience is appreciated while we wait on the official release. Until then, if you have mission-critical audio, they suggest avoiding using Mavericks. I'll update this post again when I have more information.
Thanks Pulse for the update. I know these fixes don't occur overnight. I think the spam filter that this forum originally had prevented us from addressing the issue when it originally occurred back in NOV and people are just frustrated. Your original response, and ability to reproduce the problem amd forward to engineers was almost immediate from when I posted. We are looking forward to the new fixes.
So glad Pioneer are getting on this! It's been frustrating me for the last month and I just got a shiny new MBP!
Please HURRRYY!!!!!
Missing gigs because of this :'(
Is there a ETA? I know they are testing but how long does it typically take.
They aren't very worried that we are losing money over this. As long as they get paid.
I am having a similar issue... Late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina (top of the line spec) with Traktor 2.6.7 and Pioneer audio driver 1.3.0 (which was tested for Mavericks) using a Pioneer DJM 900 Nexus and 2 CDJ 2000s in HID mode. This is the only computer where I have experienced pops and crackles. My 3 years older MacBook Pro has no problems whatsoever.
Do I need to open a separate ticket so I am using different hardware (not DJM 900 SRT)? If yes, my intention wasn't to hijack this thread. :)
No need Keith. It's very simple. The new Haswell processors are causing all kinds of problems for the mixers with usb digital sound cards. It's happening with the srt, nexus, Rane 62 and others
If I was a betting man I would say pioneer is waiting for the official release of 10.9.2 before releasing any firmware,updates. I have the latest beta 13C59 and it has dramatically reduced the amount crackle, pop, distortion on it's own. Once it's officially released they can tweak their firmware accordingly and make sure it's 100.
Frefall it's weird because I have 13c59 too and I'd say that it's definitely still there. Hard to tell that it decreased at all.
Agreed, although It's a major improvement from 10.9.1 and 1.5.2. I used to only be able to play 5 or 6 seconds of audio before distortion and drop outs. It's 100% an apple problem. I am on my 3rd MBP retina and second SRT. I hope the solution is near.
You think Apple is going to go past beta 6 or they're gonna release it this week?
Michael if they do it prob won't make any changes to audio or mess with USB issues. They are more concerned with mail than anything. Although the latest beta had me setting up like a new machine, so it could be close to a GM seed. Hopefully pioneer is close to releasing something that can help.
yeah i know 10.9.2 alone won't fix the problem but I am with you with pioneer holding off the green light on this firmware update until 10.9.2 is officially released. It only makes sense. So the faster apple releases it, the faster pioneer will release the firmware.
13c62 is out now. Has anyone tested?
Been in talks with Apple for the past few weeks taking my MBP (Late 2013) there and back convinced it was Apple's issue as this doesn't happen on my friends MBP (Mid 2012).
They tested in store with a brand new MBP (Late 2013) and the issue was replicated. I know this has been stated by Pulse already but I just thought I'd share my woes. Apple replaced the MLB and top case TWICE. The bill was £600 a pop, obviously £0 to me due to warranty. I then had to cart my DJM and CDJ down to the Apple shop to show them. I wish I would've found this thread sooner.
Any news on a firmware update as this issue has had me up the wall.
I feel for you that you had to bring your DJ equipment into the Apple store, that couldn't be very fun. Unfortunately there isn't anything just yet and Apple has reached Beta 7 with their latest firmware. We are hoping that they will release it soon so Pioneer can release the fix.
Updated firmware is coming soon -- date TBA. Thanks for your patience guys and gals!
Pardon my ignorance but is this a firmware issue for the DJM 900 mixers or is this an audio driver issue?