update: I have phone the reseller this morning who has advised that he has emailed daniel. Could you please ask daniel to reply. The email would have came from rick at audiodirect
Gavin reaching out to you personally here bud to see if you can get this moving for me. I have been in touch with the reseller (RETAILER) who have advised that they are in contact with pioneer to see if they will replace my headphones. As a customer I feel I have been messed about by pioneer and now the reseller. Can you please ask someone at pioneer to take ownership of this and create a case for me. I have nothing to reference my issue, no one is taking ownership of the issue and I have a set of broken headphones that are in warranty and no one wants to resolve the issue for me :(
I'm honestly tairing my hair out over this now, its been a month and the issue still isnt resolved. Can you please escalate to pioneer and tell them you have one seriously unhappy customer.
Over the years I have bought 2 cdj1ks, a cdj2k and cdj2k nexus and a djm2k............. i really dont deserve this poor support :(
The reseller is saying he has to talk to pioneer first, hes saying he has emailed them and waiting on a reply and that pioneer will have the say on whether they are replaced or not..... i'm not bother whether they are replaced or fixed, just please give me a set of working earphones.
If no one will create a case for me is there someone I can email or phone to make a formal complaint.
I hope I dont sound cheeky or demanding, I'm just really unhappy at the support I have been given over this and just trying to get my issue resolved.
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update: I have phone the reseller this morning who has advised that he has emailed daniel. Could you please ask daniel to reply. The email would have came from rick at audiodirect
Since Pioneer is taking their sweet time I will share some info with you. Go to your local best buy and check the prices on HDJ headphones. Let's put it this way if the hdj-500's follow suit of the 2000's & 1500's (in terms of pricing) then they should be cheap as all hell. The HDJ-2000's were less than half price (not joking) and if the HDJ-500's are less than half price that puts them at about the cost of two audio CD's.
P.S. I'm not joking. It's in store ONLY at every store. ONLY in the U.S. though. We win again!! My apologies if you are not U.S.
I have had the worst customer service over this ever, this reseller as an absolute joke. He's now accusing me of braking the headphones!
@Zeus > Pioneer has endeavoured to make contact with your retailer and it is my understanding the retailer will be in contact with you imminently to resolve the issue.
@gav sent the headphones back today to reseller... Hopefully it will be resolved soon... Thx gav
@Zeus > It will be, your retailer has received instructions from Pioneer.
@Zeus > Any update?
Headphones were sent last week, signed for on sat.... I emailed the reseller today to ask what the next step is... No reply yet... This reseller isn't great at responding to my emails... Last time he took a week to say ok send me headphones... I cc'd in Dan from pio... Don't know what next steps is to be honest gav, patiently waiting :)
Closing this thread as it is now being dealt with outside of the forums.