1000 without a doubt,
you can pick these up a lot cheaper second hand
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1000 without a doubt,
you can pick these up a lot cheaper second hand
I'd prefer the EFX1000 myself and remember, the 500 is now discontinued.
I'd recommend you test both of them out if you can, before you buy.
I was able to get a mint-condition used EFX-500 (limited edition Red color) for only $300 so the price difference might lean you towards the 500
I think it is a great piece of kit for the price, but without a doubt I'm sure I'd love the 1000 even more :D
The 500 is *almost* as useful as the 1000, with slightly less functionality than the 1000.
Fewer time buttons (no 8/1 or 1/8) but you can compensate that by tapping half-time or double-time into the tap tempo meter.
You can also still do the famous feedback loops with the echo effect, which is always tons of fun.
Plus, the 500 has the isolator EQ built-in, which is not featured on the 1000, which makes it unique.
Overall, it's like the little brother of the EFX1000. Solid, quality build, similar functions (with all the 'must haves' still present), some uniqueness, but not quite the powerhouse that the 1000 is.