Changed the supplied usb cable & we are sorted.
Hi, im getting this message trying to link my rmx to my laptop any help on this would be awesome.
The Rmx1000 is already being used with a different apllication. Data cannot be transferred until the midi device is released.
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Changed the supplied usb cable & we are sorted.
Still getting this message every restart. Can't find a way round it. A similar thing happens when I connect my djm to traktor but when unplugging/replugging the USB my laptop picks up the unit straight away but not for the rmx. Rmx is showing in the device manager etc but the connected icon in remixbox won't activate. Tried updating/reinstalling drivers. Thanks
It sounds like some program is grabbing hold of your RMX in terms of MIDI. Sure there isn't some program running on startup which uses or captures MIDI devices in some way?
Hi thanks for your reply mate. I think i might have sourced the problem after some searching online i found this....
Following these steps i could then sync the unit but i havent tried to restart yet.... fingers crossed.
Thanks again
I have the same issue over here, I also installed the above mentioned Microsoft patch. No luck so far ...
So I am also interested in the solution.
(WIN7 - 64bit Home Prem)
Kind regards,
I have used it on my PC and didn't have this problem; I'll have to re-investigate.
Hi Pulse,
Got it working again. By not really by finding a solution.
I can only help you out with a further diagnosis of the issue.
The issue went away by installing latest firmware (1.19) and Remixbox software 1.01 AND displacing the connection to another USB port.
This forced windows to (re)install drivers for the device.
I recall that on the port with the issue: "The Rmx1000 is already being used with a different apllication", I previously had my DJM-2000 installed.
Maybe a conflict in drivers (Win/Pioneer) and MIDI allocation ?
Thanks anyways.
Kind regards,
I deal with so many issues on the forums that I can't keep track of every little detail, but the bigger issues I recall -- and I don't recall too many people having problems with MIDI port conflicts, so without doing much digging, I would suspect the problem may be your computer rather than the drivers.
Let us know if it happens again and we can dig deeper.
Are you guys running any other software that might be grabbing the MIDI device?
I have a kind of similar issue. I always hibernate my laptop after I've been mixing. It seems that when the laptop wakes, and I turn all my DJ gear on, RemixBox won't successfully connect (the same "MIDI device already in use" error) to the RMX-1000 until I either power the unit off and back on, or disconnect and reconnect the USB lead.
I've not checked to see if this issue still persists if I restart my laptop instead of hibernating though.
Hrm... I haven't actually left mine connected longer than just testing it with various apps to see what's what, but I'll try the sleep mode and see if that affects it.
Hi Pulse,
I confirm that I had no other software at startup , when I got this message. However previously on this same USB port (and same USB cable) I had the DJM-2000 installed with MIDI driver.
As stated before, installing REMIX (drivers) and switching to another USB port, forced WIN7 to charge the drivers again, which did the trick for me.
I can try to recreate the situation, or if you have any other questions, give me a shout.
Kind regards,
Gotcha - thanks.
I've experienced this behavior today, just after a reboot, when i started RemixBox.
In Task manager i saw two RemixBox 32-bit processes running. Killed the one, which displayed the error, but the other couldn't be killed at all. I then disconnected the Remix Station USB cable, and *poof* it was gone. Started RemixBox again, and everything worked again.
I'm running W7 64-bit, RemixBox 1.0.1 and RMX-1000 firmware 1.20.
I have been struggling a couple days with the exact same message and I have failed bad
I just cannot sync the unit with my laptop
im getting the exact same message, nothing else is running on my laptop except rekord box :/
Will investigate these reports.
Just got my rmx and I have the same problem... any news on this ?
I don't have other programs running except remixbox. Don't know what could "grab" the rmx's midi...
The rmx will work on my laptop but not on my desktop.
Both are running win 7 X64 , and have the same programs on start up.
Now a difference what I have seen is that in the property's of the device:
The Laptop says : Pioneer RMX-1000 MIDI and displays an image of a audio box
The Pc says: Pioneer RMX-1000 USB device and displays an image of an Hard disk.
So my pc sees the rmx as an removable device , the laptop sees the rmx as an audio divice..
I'm searching for an solution , any help or info is welcome!!
We have a ticket open with the engineers to investigate this issue; if we need additional information, I will post again to this thread. Thanks for your patience.
Ok thank you pulse!
I can use my laptop for now , so i'm still good :)
Let me know if we need to test something.
Also , you could pass along the info in my previous post to the engineers... I guess the problem lies there..
@44667 > You should be able to, yes, as the MIDI control is only for use with another application -- the remixbox software doesn't require MIDI for data transfer.
@TheOne > Sorry, I missed your 2nd post - the ticket (above) is for the MIDI error message, not the other issue -- this is why it's best to start a new thread with issues that are not directly related to the original post or discussion.
The reason your RMX is seen as a removable device / hard drive is because of the SD card reader.
Within your device manager, you should see two entries as shown here:
I'm going to assume you installed the drivers BEFORE connecting the RMX?
@44667 > Please start a new thread and provide more detail.
For those still having problems in this thread - the engineers are investigating the cause and working to develop a solution. Thanks for your patience.
As a temporary work-around - disconnect RMX-1000 from the computer before the computer shutdowns, hibernates or sleeps.
Having the same "Data cannot be transferred until the midi device is released" issues with my new Win7 64-bit system & Ableton... was working fine on my old trusted XP- knew there would be a downside to the upgrade. Even with the latest updates, I can't physically use the RMX in Ableton, just the plug in (mapping to other controllers in the meantime)
Sorry guys, re-opening this thread as I nudged the engineers to get us the missing info. Anyone still having these problems after recent firmware and driver updates?
with Ableton it's working fine now, just have to make sure the RMX is on before opening a project. So I'm cool :)
I can get the rmx to sync on my laptop but not on my desktop. Tried everything possible & to be honest have completely given up trying.