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own samples not playing

i have added my own samples on the rmx via remix box but none of the samples will play when i hit the buttons, when i hold the bank button and try to select a differant bank it only seems to work if it is connected via usb but it still wont play the samples i have added 

Zac Cawdron

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hey Zac, maybe you're not loading them right. Try this, after you've assigned all your samples to the banks you want etc. make sure you the go to "EXPORT" up at the top this will load all the samples onto the SD card assuming you have one installed. it should come up with a progress bar and when it gets to 100 percent unplug your rmx flick it to USER on the rmx and then wait atleast 30 seconds and try and start firing off some samples. hope that helps!

djkiloton 0 votos
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Thanks for linking that over Matt -- missed this thread.

Pulse 0 votos
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No problem Pulse, figured it might be useful even though it's quite an old post.

Matt Wilson 0 votos
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Cheers guys, got an sd card and all sorted. :))

Zac Cawdron 0 votos
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