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At this point I think it's safe to assume there are no plans to change the effects. Sorry.
After the 1.31 update im still finding the BPF filter too loud, has anyone else noticed this? the other scene effects seem ok, but, theres still a big difference in volume when switching between X-pad roll and the built in drum samples.
also theres still a noticeable drop in sound quality when switching the send/ return on at the mixer end, can this ever be fixed or is the internal hardware of the rmx causing this??
FX trans/roll - the low frequency roll (bass) is still to low in volume (as in barely audible)
somthing else i want to add here, that isnt necessarily the rmx fault, but when i set my mixer volumes at 0db ( djm 2000) the channel gains are at the 9 oclock position and the master volume is at 12 oclock position, this means that when i need to use my gains to adjust for volume differences between different tracks, the gains, even when adjusting them slightly can have quite a severe effect on the volume, is there anything i can do, or another way to set the rmx up so that i can have the gains and master volume at 12 oclock without the mixer and rmx volumes clipping?
At this point I think it's safe to assume there are no plans to change the effects. Sorry.
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I agree that the BPF filter is a bit loud. The XPAD level acts as a dry/wet control when using ROLL, with 12o'clock 100% wet. When you're playing samples you just drop the XPAD level down to 9/10 o'clock and they'll be a bit less overpowering.
Pulse did a good video regarding setting the levels:
I find that with the channel levels at 0db and with the Send/Return level at 12 o'clock the the input and output levels on the RMX-1000 are best set around 12o'clock (tweak them whilst turning the send/return on and off so that you can get it just right). With my DJM-700 I can't tell the difference when I turn the send/return on and off in either levels or quality (something I never managed to achieve with my old EFX-1000)
Should probably also praise Gavin for doing the post in my previous link, it sums the levels lark up nicely.
It is now year 2022 and i think its still too loud! Has anyone fixed it?