Looks like it's the official one but just wanna confirm with Pioneer? And does this slide under the mixer well? It's probably just the picture but it looks like the bottom is slanted/raised
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Looks like it's the official one but just wanna confirm with Pioneer? And does this slide under the mixer well? It's probably just the picture but it looks like the bottom is slanted/raised
Also holy hell that is expensive
here is the translation of stand characteristics
It is true that the price is very high
Looks awesome... from everything I've seen it does look the official Pioneer one especially since it has their logo on it... if Pioneer confirms this is official I'll go ahead and surrender my wallet to France :D
translation of weblinks
Gavinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you promised you'd check out these threads! Is this thing official?!
I'm so, I can even give you the reference product
PRODJ-RMX-STAND did a search on GOOGLE
I'm guessing it probably is by the looks of it, but it's some random french site I've never seen before so I just wanna make sure it's not a knock-off, then I buy it, then find out Pioneer releases the real thing after
ok waiting for the response of GAVIN, but for me his answer will be yes
I'm going tomorrow with my supplier to order a RMX 1000 and RMX-STAND-PRODJ
He said in the other forums he'll check this forum 1st thing tomorrow, so we should have an answer then (if he's able to get the answer right away) and yup I've had the Rmx 1000 for a month or 2 now it is like the worlds greatest toy
it's good I ordered one with the RMX 1000 RMX DJ-PRO-STAND, my phone provider me that all is dispostion in his shop
Its legit!
(also guys, no posting links to sites that sell DJ gear - they're the rules, sorry).
Thanks Gavin! :D
@T-Top > You're welcome and sorry again about the delay.
sorry for the internet I did not know it was forbidden
@michel > Thats quite ok - I won't make you sit in the naughty corner ;)
Where can i buy this from?
Just off the phone to pioneer and have had email confirmation.
The stand will be available in the UK in January
Model number PRODJ-RMX-STAND
@DJaudiotech > Your local DJ store should be able to get them. Failing that, try any of the larger retail stores in your area
@ Gavin
Pioneer tell me they are not available until January in the UK.
Is this not the case i need one asap,the laptop stand is just plain and simply no good for my setup
My supplier seems to be saying that pioneer is only selling this in the UK and not in the States?? Is this true? If so, who wants to buy me one and ship it to me in the states??
Search for the model name you can buy them online
Yeah but its all French or Spanish or Polish sites i find
If you have any links can you email them to me?
Just use google chrome and press the button to translate it to English when it prompts you
Did you get one from France
Ordering tomorrow from france
How are you supposed to order from france when I don't have Euros?? Can you buy in dollars???
LOL dude are you serious? Shopping online = currency exchange
If you want to find out the exchange rate just google it
Sorry for never having bought something overseas.... I've never had the need.