Using flashdrives if it matters. On both CDJ's
I have two CDJ400's and while im mixing two tracks together for example One CDJ runs a track of 127BPM and the second CDJ runs the same BPM at 127, why is it that during my mix my BPM jumps from 127 to 150 or 160 ??? It does it for both tracks on both CDj's, and I have to constantly move and beatmatch one or the other, after I've already matched both tracks. Really annoying. How should I set my MT so it wont be doing this???
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Using flashdrives if it matters. On both CDJ's
rcumm It happened to me, i think that the CDJ does not use all the track information in order to calculate the BPM, so as far as my experience tell it happens the most on the intro parts or the drops if its trance music, odd thing and for that i do not rely too much on the BPM readings, nothing to worry
Thanks good to know im not the only one. thought it was my players
Are the tracks set up that they go to half beats on the count? Take Hey Yah by Outcast where the tracks is 80bpm but reads at 160bpm becasue it is counting the half beats. My version of In Da Club reads at 124bpm on EVERY player I use, even though I know it's 90bpm.
Try the same track on both players and see if it jumps in the mix.
It happens de reverse to me, when i mix DNB sometimes it reads at half of the actual speed but is not only the CDJs, also Rekordbox and other software as well
@jay fursure ill do that but yea thats what it is just got to deal with it and the way the CDJs read tracks
@tarmadadj thanks good to know cause i spin dubstep n tech dub which i know my dubstep tracks read at 70bpm but my CDJs read them140bpm
You should use your ears rather than the BPM meter as it is analyzing the BPM of the audio while the song is being played and thus it may vary.
Well, a track's BPM is sometimes not constant. A track can go at 130 bpm at the beginning, and ending up at 90 bpm when it has vocals playing, and reaches 130 again after the break. Lets say your vocal plays for a minute and 20 secs, it slows down and you only hear low kicks at a slow pace, the bpm might drop to 90... BPM = beats per minute..thats why not all tracks will have the constant BPM. Thats why beatmatchin is needed