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CDJ 800 mk2 Read problems

I picked up a used cdj 800 mk2 today with the original box and manual etc. In very good cosmetic condition except when i have plugged it in and tried it, it doesn't read any cd's. It tries for a while then gives up and ejects the discs. I have tried many different cd's both originals & copies. Every so often it will pick up a cd and work fine. But more often than not (nearly every time) it just rejects the disc. Can somebody tell me what the problem will be? I'm guessing the laser is broke?

Also i have tried cleaning the laser but that didn't help. 



Danny Babcock

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@Danny > Congrats on your purchase, sorry to hear you are having issues.

Have you tried store-bought (i.e. commercially-pressed CDs)? Do you get an error code on screen?

The laser may need re-alignment in which case you'll need to bring the unit to an authorised service centre. Technical support links are on the right of this page and will be able to point you in the direction of the service centre closest to you.

Gavin 0 votos
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Thanks for your reply.
Yes I have tried commercially pressed CDs too.
I think the laser is the issue, how much does re-alignment cost around?

Danny Babcock 0 votos
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NEVER use a lens-cleaner in your CDJs.  Those things are designed to destroy CD lenses.

Best bet is to contact tech support, find an authorized repair shop and get an estimate from them.

Pulse 0 votos
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I didn't use lens cleaning cd, i know they are rubbish. I used spray and a cotton bud. 

My dad is an electrician so should be able to replace any parts for me. 

Danny Babcock 0 votos
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So you physically touched the lens... hrm... I can't see that being any worse than a little brush.  :p

It's not necessarily a matter of parts replacement so much as alignment and focus of the laser.

Pulse 0 votos
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Haha well my dad did it for me and he's fixed many players in the past by doing so. So i thought it was worth a shot. 


I'm guessing alignment and focus will be very expensive though?? Any idea on the price of this?

Danny Babcock 0 votos
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Sorry, I can't give an accurate estimate but last I heard a few years ago, a local repair shop did them for about $60.

Pulse 0 votos
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Oh that's not too bad, is there anywhere in the UK that will be able to do this for me?

Danny Babcock 0 votos
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Quite likely - use the technical support contacts at the right and they can help you locate an authorized repair shop near you.

Pulse 0 votos
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Ok I've had a brand new laser mechanism fitted and it's still having this issue. :( costing a fortune!

Danny Babcock 0 votos
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Did you take it to an authorized Pioneer DJ service shop?

Pulse 0 votos
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No not autherized but they have always repaired my equipment and never had a problem. What could it be if it's had a new mechanism?

Danny Babcock 0 votos
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It could be it's nothing to do with the mechanism but rather the circuitry... which is one of the reasons I suggested an authorized shop.  :(

Pulse 0 votos
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Hello, I didn't wanted to make a whole post for this but I bought 2nd hand CDJ aswell. It works perfectly (thank God) but few weeks aggo one CD didnt wanted to play. Same problem like the guy above, r eads and ejects after like 30secs - 1 min.

It was only on that CD (burned one, burned with Windows 7 explorer burner). I just threw CD away thinking it's the CD fault. Can it really be CD fault since all other CD's are working perfectly, or it's CDJ fault and should I expect my CDJ going dead? =(((


Thank you very much 

Josip Brdar 0 votos
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@Josip > If it only happened with one CD and hasn't happened with any other CD since, then yes, its highly like its just that CD.

Gavin 0 votos
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