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RB Crash on startup, but no DB corruption?

0) Have you read the "READ ME FIRST" thread in its entirety before posting: Yes, twice

1) Operating System: Vista

2) OS Type: 32bit

3) Rekordbox version: 1.5.1

4) Using LINK: No

4a) LINK Connection method: NA

4b) Using with CDJs: NA

5) Hard drive / Flash drive / SD card file system: NTFS

5a) Does the device have multiple partitions: No

5b) If it's a flash drive, is it a U3 device: No

5c) With what utility did you format the device: Other

6) Have you scanned your files for errors: Yes

7) Have you scanned your drive for errors: Yes

8) Is Rekordbox crashing at all: Yes

8a) If crashing, is it resulting in: Recordbox.exe has stopped working...

8b) If not crashing, are there any error messages: Nope

9) Are you able to repeat / reproduce the problem: Yes

9a) If yes, can you do it consistently: Yes

10) Any other notes regarding your setup only: No

Provide as much detail of the issue here:

I keep my music collection on an external (NTFS-formatted) HD. I use RB to analyse tracks and make playlists from this HD, after which I export to another (FAT32 formatted) external HD I use when performing with the CDJ2000s.

Recently, RB1.5.1.8 crashes on startup consistently. I tried the backup .EDB, which didn't do the trick. I figured the DB had somehow been corrupted, but because rebuilding/importing my entire collection will take a considerable amount of time, I investigated a little further.

What I found out is that RB starts up like a charm when my music collection (NTFS) HD isn't connected to the computer. If I connect the drive while RB is running and run the Missing Files option, RB locates all the files just fine. When I exit and try opening RB again with the HD connected, it crashes every time. I did migrate my full collection from an old HD to a new one recently, but made sure all the paths and drive letters are exactly the same, which is supported by the fact RB finds all the tracks fine if I connect the HD after starting RB.

The workaround I can use is to always start RB without the collection HD connected, but that's just a pain 'cause there's other files on the drive I use a lot. Is there any way to check what causes RB to crash when it doesn't seem to be a corrupted DB in this case? I attached one of the crash reports. Hope you can help me out! Thanks in advance.




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@Chris > I don't have a straight answer for you on this - I'll look into it.

Gavin 0 votos
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@Chris > Answer received. Will post information later I want you to try.

Gavin 0 votos
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@Chris > have been trying to comment all morning but couldn't post to this thread from my phone for some reason. This is a known issue that should be addressed in the most recent update of Rekordbox 1.5.2 as Pionix links above.

Gavin 0 votos
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That's what I call great service... :)

Thanks guys!

Will try new release ASAP. 

Chris 0 votos
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Thanks Chris, let us know how it works for you.

Gavin 0 votos
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Sorry to let you know didn't do the trick for me. I did a clean install, but the problem remains the same. I attached a brand new crash report; hope you can find the cause for this inconvenience or give me some pointers to look for a solution.

Chris 0 votos
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@Chris > How did you perform a clean install? What steps did you take? Did you let the Rekordbox update manager run the update?

After the update did you reboot your computer?

As noted in the change log, this issue should be resolved...

Gavin 0 votos
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Gavin, I first installed straight away, which placed it next to Problem persisted. Then I uninstalled both and and removed the hidden folders from the Roaming folder after backing up all files there first. Reboot, installed Replaced contents of Roaming/Pioneer folder with the backed up DB. Also tried restoring from within RB. Rebooted couple of times, but no luck so far. Previously described workaround still works though. What I do notice is that RB starts up fine the very first time after restoring/replacing the DB, showing all the tracks fine, only to crash after about 5 seconds. The next time I start it up, it crashes on the splash screen, never making it to RBs home screen. Will be trying again tomorrow, but running out of things to try...

Chris 0 votos
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@Chris > Will test this myself tomorrow evening and get back to you with an answer.

Gavin 0 votos
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Thanks Gavin. I've not been able to fix this issue myself yet. Will keep you posted if I find anything.

Chris 0 votos
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Gavin, probably just a coincidence, but I just noticed the following post:

External Hard Drive Crashes Rekordbox

Richard James Dugdale

posted this on Jan 16 23:46

The external (NTFS) HD I'm using is a 1TB Samsung USB 3.0 as well...

Just thought I'd let you know. Thanks in advance.

Chris 0 votos
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@Gavin > Did you have a chance to test already? I'm curious as I continue to have trouble and with the weekend coming up would like to be able to work with RB again... Thanks!

Chris 0 votos
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@Chris > I'll email you to have you try something.

Pulse 0 votos
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@Pulse, any news here? Still having trouble with RB crashing 9 out of 10 attempts...

Chris 0 votos
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Still waiting for the engineers to get back re: your database, sorry for the delay.

Pulse 0 votos
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No worries, my workaround of disconnecting the Samsung USB3.0 does do the trick, it's just inconvenient. One thing I noticed about my system (but which might not be relevant for this problem at all) is that another application keeps crashing while trying to create files or directories on the same Samsung drive, even when starting as Admin. Does RB try to create files/folders on every launch? Just thought you'd want to know. Thanks!

Chris 0 votos
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One of the troubleshooting steps noted in the rekordbox help thread is to try booting without some USB devices connected.  If that device persists with crashing the software, it's best to have it unplugged during the boot process.

Without knowing what the files/folders are, it's hard to say.  rekordbox would certainly try to find the hidden Pioneer folder if you're exporting, but I don't  believe it creates anything simply when launching the software.

Pulse 0 votos
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Well, it's clear that RB is only crashing when the Samsung USB HD is connected, but that's the drive my full Collection is on which makes it really inconvenient to disconnect/reconnect every time I launch RB. Which is the problem we're looking at here, IMO... :)

Chris 0 votos
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What is the make/model of the USB device?  I'll pass it along to the engineers to see if they have any suggestions / fixes.

If you connect it after the software is booted, it works just fine?

Pulse 0 votos
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Pulse, it's a Samsung M3 Station 1TB USB3.0 external drive, PN HX-D101TAB/G0.

And yes, if I connect the drive AFTER launching RB, there's no problem at all.

Chris 0 votos
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Following-up on this ticket; are you still experiencing the same issues with the latest version of rekordbox?

Pulse 0 votos
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