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Rekordbox wireless connection

I've tried to link to RB over a wireless connection in the past to my CDJ900'S but could do it; the "LINK" icon was flashing instead of being a constant icon. Having just watched the new video for the XDJ AERO I see the version of RB being used allowed wireless playlist exports. So does this mean a new version of RB is coming, will it support a true wireless connection by that I mean will it allow CDJ's to be connected to my laptop over a wireless connection?

Si BooGie

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The current CDJ's do not support wireless or wifi.

Morgo 0 votos
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You can only connect the CDJ's to rekordbox via LAN cables. 

Hesitant 0 votos
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Ok Guys, Thanks. I'm not a Tech wizard but surley the CDJ's become part of any network they're connected to be it via a wired or wireless router. The fact the RB LINK icon is flashing when using a wireless router suggest it could be possible with some tweaking

Si BooGie 0 votos
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No the hardware does not support wi-fi with the current Cdj's. Not possible.

Morgo 0 votos
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exactly what Morgo said, this RB wireless feature is for future products, not current ones as of today, the new AERO controller will utilize that feature, although I have to say I am not a big fan of ever running my set wirelessly from my phone or other mobile device

BriChi 0 votos
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OK,  so I've spoken to my network gurus here at my company. They seem to think it has to be a software issue because of the fact that no configuation of the router has taken place ie to set it to some strange protcol (Does anyone know what protocol is used by the CDjs?) and the fact the their MAC address shows in the router.

So they've said if the CDJ's are wired in to a wireless router the router should be able to handle the tranfer of data both ways as it is the hub and the CDJ's become just another device on the network. and shouldn't recognise that the laptop is using a wireless connection.  The fact that the software is picking up the LINK, albeit unstable, shows a connection is possible. If there was no connection possible the LINK icon shouldn't even come on. They've suggested looking at whether RB can pick up my network drives on the others computers using both a wired and wireless network.

It's not a big issue I just like to take my whole mainstream collection with me when doing mobile gigs and one less wire would have been nice, especially with my new desk having everything built in internally. I'll just have to make a mod and put in an ethernrnet port to run a cable to my Laptop or instalI a drive bay in to the desk. It would have been nice to do though considering other cheaper devices on the market support WIFI.

I would much more prefer a nice stable RB thought that allows me to search without freezing before asking for wireless support. When I saw the new controller video it got me thinking RB might have an update coming to support WIFI connection via a wireless router

Si BooGie 0 votos
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I'm sure I read somewhere that Pioneer do not recommend using wifi routers that you use for standard home broadband connections.  For that reason I've got a 8 way LAN Hub which works perfectly and I'm connecting 3 CDJs, Mixer and macbook

Hesitant 0 votos
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I knew I'd seen a post about RB and CDJ's on a WIFI connection


Reading Pulse's comment re WIFI "Yep, that's just asking for problems." made me smile considering the new WIFI controller.

The strange paranoia around WIFI and playing live is strange. I stream audio and video including live TV broadcast via WIFI without problems throughout my house and I'm surrounded by God knows how many other WIFI access points which do not cause any interference. I understand the concern of interupting a live set but the only way to preventing happening is to test it and lock down the router

Reading throuh the forum post it seems some one some where has some sort of connection problem be it via USB stick or wired hub so I'm not against trying to set up a WIFI connection. It would probably be more for testing in house than in a club as most booths where I live are small and use 1000's so there no room for additional equipment such as my 900's, although the last bar I played at I asked them to remove their equipment as I was the only DJ playing that night

Si BooGie 0 votos
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he does that to throw us all off so we dont expect it in the future and then bam, a new product comes out, lol

remember he also said RB was not designed to be used with a all in one "controller" and the BAM, the AERO comes out which takes care of both his comment, a "wireless" "controller" for Rekordbox, LOL

BriChi 0 votos
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You could always link your rekordbox wirelessly (via the wireless router to which your CDJs were connected by ethernet).  If it wasn't working it was likely a problem with a firewall or other traffic management on the router.

My comment in the linked archive thread was more to do with wireless audio, not wireless data communication.

And you guys know I can never comment on anything Pioneer has in the pipeline for the future, so I will straight-up lie to your face in order to keep their products secret until release (as I am under NDA).  Just be confident in knowing there is always something new / improved being developed.

Pulse 0 votos
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I've managed to make the wireless connection with my cdj and mixer and rekordbox. For this I did the following configuration: 1 - Connect the CDJs and mixer in a wireless router. 2 - Configure the wireless router so there is no DHCP server. 3 - Set up your computer with the RB to receive IP automatically via DHCP (the CDJ will generate the IP number for the connection). 4 - Disable firewall. With this I managed to communicate normally with RB via wireless router.

Doctor DJ 0 votos
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Just a question that pops into my head.. is the new app for smartphones,tablets only dedicated to this new unit or could you just use it with Rekordbox for general purposes like making a playlist?

Benno Revelli 0 votos
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