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Rekordbox ipad app

Anybody knows when a "real" ipad app will be in store?

Daniel raahauge

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I agree, it is a shame.
The iPhone app is ok but looks poor on the iPad.
Let's hope pioneer bring one out

Ben 0 votos
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Downloaded this  yesterday and was looking fwd to seeing how i could save time by  setting cue points and loop etc away from my pc....then i found out it doesnt support wavs. So that makes it useless really. Some DJs may still use mp3 files to play out but I try and avoid it if possible.

Martin Pod 0 votos
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@Martin > Its a wireless transfer limitation, to my knowledge.

Gavin 0 votos
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Does that mean that I can add WAV files if i use USB connection to my MAC?  This really needs to get fixed ASAP.  majority of DJ's cant use your app because of the WAV/AIFF limitation.  Seems silly I can play WAV's on my iPod/iPhone in other music apps and the "profesional DJ app" won't let me.  IMO forget wireless, the app would be just fine if you enable USB import with  and add WAV files ability. 

Jayson Joyce 0 votos
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I'd like to add my support for a native, full resolution iPad app.

Moreover, I'm very surprised that the current iPhone app doesn't allow browsing of a separate USB device plugged into the CDJ-2000nexus, only the xdj-aero. I use SD cards, and it would be great to have the iPad as a central browser screen showing me the contents of an SD card, or a USB drive or HDD. It's possible with the aero and indeed with Denon's Engine software (which _does _have an iPad app). If you could browse external drives, lack of 'on iDevice' WAV support becomes less of an issue.

fullenglishpint 0 votos
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I 100% SECOND THIS!!! Daft is an understatement


The Nexus should have a similar system with brosing a HD via the ipad !!


*" indeed with Denon's Engine software (which _does _have an iPad app)" ... *This is also very true !!!!!!

DJccccc 0 votos
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yup, Denon 3900 is killing the Nexus right now, If so many of my dj's werent against Denon........

BriChi 0 votos
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And by the way, denon are alpha testing scrolling waveforms on the iPad for a possible future update. Awesome idea.

fullenglishpint 0 votos
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I saw the Denon, 6 months ago, and was very happy to see Pio catching up with the Nexus.


The idea you could use the Ipad as a control surfaces was awesome.


But the Ipad App is no wear what it should be ! At this stage we can only dream :(

DJccccc 0 votos
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Bumping this, just bought the TraktorDJ APP and it's really awesome and fun to play with.  And somehow gets 99% of the beatgrids perfect.  Wish Rekordbox could do something right.


jamboe 0 votos
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As mentioned before ,

indeed, the nexus needs the ability to browse Connected storage devices on an other deck with the IPAD / android tablet.

Gav had put this forward to the engineers... hope we will see some change soon ;)

TheOne 0 votos
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Thanks for the Remote-Option for the XDJ-Aero.

But at this time you should bring out a real Ipad app. - Its a shame that after more than a year we are still working with a scaled Iphone app.

There are cool features to use a XDJ Aero with an Ipad but NO app!!! - For every stupid free game you get an Ipad version, but the market-leader in DJ equipment is still scaling Iphone apps. :-(

Gerd Buchholz 0 votos
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YUP, sucks, there is soooooo much iPad app potential and they're sleeping on it

BriChi 0 votos
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 100% SECOND THIS!!! Daft is an understatement


The Nexus should have a similar system with brosing a HD via the ipad !!


" indeed with Denon's Engine software (which _does _have an iPad app)" ... This is also very true !!!!!!

October 30, 2012 02:58

That was my post nearly 14 months ago, and WHERE ARE WE NOW ?! :: No Further forward !

DJccccc 0 votos
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Pioneer are you still out there ? what are you guy's doing ?

Not making a better tablet App ..... that's for sure ..

TheOne 0 votos
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People, please review the rekordbox app on AppStore and add this comment, thats a way for them to know that we want an ipad rekordbox app for nexus's and xdj aero and xdj r1

Guilherme Almeida C. Machado 0 votos
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Yes An updates app would-be be great! Also USB transfer would be very good.

Kevin T 0 votos
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im struggling with putting playlists on my rekordbox ipad from my mac, am i missing something here or does any one else have this problem too?


mens room 0 votos
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i just dont seem to be able to put my playlists into my rekordbox app so i can use them as playists on the ipad when they areplugged into the decks. i can only view all songs trnsfered to the ipad in one big list?

mens room 0 votos
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mens room, I simply right slick on the playlist and export to iPad, it shows up perfect.


on that note, i wish Pioneer would re-do the app, the iPad app has SO MUCH potential but is so poor to try and use in real live situations

BriChi 0 votos
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@mens room > See this video I recorded just for you.

Pulse 0 votos
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Pulse this is great but can i just browse and load the tracks which are on pc or usb from the tablet without transferring it? Just some screen mirroring like competition can do

Mateusz Kasprzak 0 votos
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no you cannot unfortunately, I have been asking for that for years, so far ONLY the R1 with Remotebox can do this

BriChi 0 votos
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That's due to limitations of the hardware, sorry.

Pulse 0 votos
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