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rekordbox for Android: ability to read directly from a SD card

Hi guys,

I am doing a couple of tests with rekordbox for android as I am planning a migration from CDJ 1000s and DDJ-T1 to a XDJ Aero in a near future and I've got into this situation:

I did all the track analysis through rekordbox for MacOS in my MacBook and then I've exported a couple of tracks to my SD using the device panel, dragging and dropping these tracks I wanted to the "All Tracks folder" into the SD.

Then I've browsed the SD card and noticed that the rekordbox Contents folder is there, with the tracks I've selected before. Looks like everything's went fine.

I plugged the SD card into an Android tablet I do own here which have a SD slot. Then I plugged the card into it and launched rekordbox 2.0.1.

So I thought myself: as I already did all the import using the MacOS version of rekordbox, I was expecting to jump from the "Import" step directly to the "Prepare" one. So I did: hit the "Prepare Button" and then for my surprise, the tracks wasn't being showed there...

I've returned to the main menu and hit the "Import" button and I can see all files that are stored in the SD (the ones that are into the Contents folder and the ones that aren't located into it too) are there but when I do the "Import" directly through the app, it copies these files to the tablet's memory, which is limited and don't have enough space to host all the tracks from the SD card.

Is there a way in which I can do all the analysis and the import in my laptop and then after, when running the Anrdoid app, be able to have all these tracks and informations being read directly from SD, without the need to Import to the tablet's own memory? 

Thanks in advance!

Jeff Char

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Again, something ive tried to do as well


Its SO disappointing Pioneer have not sorted this out.


I was told by a Pioneer rep this method would work, anaylise your tunes on a PC or Mac, export then slide into an Android - and it would work


I really feel completely let down Pioneer. 

DJccccc 0 votos
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Wow... I've been reading the posts here and really got surprised at how people are kinda frustrated with Pioneer, more precisely about rekordbox... Maybe they need more time to sort or invest into it to really place it into the right track..

Or in case they are not sorting quickly enough to improve the software as consumers are expecting, one way for it would be open source it. Let the users improve the software they will use themselves the way they want and with the features they need would be a very intelligent move in my point of view. But I doubt they would ever do this, even thinking this could be a good option, as their expertise is at the hardware, not the software. I don't know if they will want to profit over rekordbox with a Pro version in the future, so can't tell much about their own business.

But just in case, getting back to the original subject from this thread: hope to at least get an answer from Pioneer telling that this is not possible and this will not be available in a near future. I will hold my position of getting a XDJ Aero until I can use rekordbox like this way I described here. I will keep using my DDJ-T1 which I already own and I am satisfied with it. I was just looking for another option to get rid of using a laptop to be able to DJ as it is something I've always wanted. But as XDJ Aero just have 1 USB port and the rekordbox mobile have this kind of limitation, it is a no-go equipment for me at the moment.

Jeff Char 0 votos
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Ditto !!!

*>> PIONEER please liston to your loyal customers !! And can Jeff and my self please hae an answer.


DJccccc 0 votos
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The reason the tracks were not imported to the internal memory was to save the space.  An updated version of the mobile app will be released soon with a fix allowing users to select whether or not they want to copy the tracks on import.

Pulse 0 votos
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Will this mean you can copy the tracks onto the SD CARD. 


IE directly from the PC // MAC ... and export them onto the SD in the Android ?

DJccccc 0 votos
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The RB tracks should have the option to be written onto the SD CARD. This is a must please. ... also please confirm.



DJccccc 0 votos
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I agree, "If" I ever owned a droid, I would assume RB would right to the sd cards so you can expand the memory based on your collection

BriChi 0 votos
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This would have been a logical step - the current FB Android does not support it... Very ODD!


Anyway if there is going to be an update ... that DOES support this, its welcome news - as it atl eased offers a way around the Ipad // controlling USB issue.


The Toshiba AT300 I brought (and settled with) Does support FAT 32 GB ... SDXC ... Therefore can take 128gb of memory.


Though either way can you confirm if the update will suport the SD Cards Please ... an official response on this would be most welcome. Thank you.

DJccccc 0 votos
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Will December 3rd Firmware update bring good news on this ?

DJccccc 0 votos
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Cool! The new version of rekordbox mobile came with the feature "Don't copy tracks when imported" turned on! But oh boy... I do have bad luck...

In my tablet, the external SD slot is mounted under /mnt/extsd not in /mnt/sdcard, as the tablet does have internal and external slots and my intention was exactly to use the external one... :(

Is there any chance of having the option to parametrize this path into the next version, so we could choose freely where rekordbox could scan for files instead of fixing it into /mnt/sdcard?

Anyways, thanks for the support guys! Happy to see now that Pioneer is starting to get a couple of the things we are talking here! ;)

Jeff Char 0 votos
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How would this affect storing on the SD card Jeff, are you suggesting were it writes too. I dont want to use the internal memory ... but the SD card

DJccccc 0 votos
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The new version of rekordbox mobile came with the feature "Don't copy tracks when imported" turned on

where's that option?

BriChi 0 votos
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The Update has just come though .... Is this the SD card thing Bri

DJccccc 0 votos
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Pioneer DJ

@DJccccc > This is a 1.1.x update - it is a minor bug update.

November 21, 2012 07:11

Could you please confirm how this SD Card _ "Don't copy tracks when imported"  _effects the situation of when I want to use my Android to export tunes from my mac too ... and where it writes too ...

DJccccc 0 votos
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Is this the SD card thing Bri


not sure, I was hoping that it means that if you import a track from the music already on the ipad into the RB app, it doesnt make a second copy of it, filling up the iPad for no need. I just dont see the setting mentioned

BriChi 0 votos
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I just wished they would confirm one way or the other .... 

DJccccc 0 votos
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RE: Android Rekordbox:

  • Option added to select if tracks are copied or not when importing. (*1)
  • Various bug fixes.
    (*1) Even if "Don't copy tracks" is selected, tracks that cannot be managed by rekordbox will be copied. Tracks exceeding a file path of 255 characters will be copied.

I would like some clarification on this was well, it is not clear what this update is supposed to do or how it works.


This looks to be an Android feature only. The iphone update does NOT mention it. 

Fresh 0 votos
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sounds good, thank you


Still not answered though I think is, Can the RB on my mac transfer the songs to my droids SD card thats upgradable in size then the internal memory. This is a great feature that is missing, Honestly if this worked, I would get an Android small tablet, add a 128gb SD Card and use that on all my gigs, it would be the same as just using my laptop with RB on all my gigs, If iPads came in bigger memory sizes I would buy that to use on all my jobs, smaller, lighter and flash memory

BriChi 0 votos
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Some answers on what this function does //means please  ....................................

DJccccc 0 votos
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And this is the reason Bri ... I brought a Toshiva AT300


It supports FAT 32 - 128 GB SD SDXC


4 x Core Processor ... and works well with RB. Also has a separate power source // and will work directly with the Nexus, unlike the Samsong tablets ...

DJccccc 0 votos
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Well... I didn't tested the feature guys... I've just seen that it got bundled into rekordbox mobile. But you may be right BriChi: it seems not to be the feature we are thinking of, that is: make all the import and track analysis using rekordbox in a PC or Mac, make the collection ready to work with rekordbox mobile, stored in a removable media, such as SD card, just like it works with USB sticks into the new CDJs.

I was just surfing around the web and I found there is even some tablets with USB where you can plug a USB stick into it, and enable media scanning on it.

It would be a great feature, to be able to use the same USB stick plugged in and play whatever Pioneer product: a XDJ Aero or CDJ or other future hardware, with or without a help of a tablet: my collection would get easly recognized without doing any additional work.

And from what I see, from a technical point of view as I am a software developer too, it would need just an option to edit where rekordbox should scan for files that are already imported and analyzed so it would be even not needed the import feature from the recordbox mobile as the tracks would be already prepared.

Just my 2 cents... 

Jeff Char 0 votos
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You speak alot of since Jeff, I agree with all of what you have stated.


I was told directly by Pioneer this method, ie RB on a PC, exported then to Andriod tablet WOULD WORK, ie having the ability to write to the SD card. It doesnt and just goes straight to the internal memory.


This is a complete waste of time & again is another MAJOR issue that needs addressing, a simple software update would be enough, all you need to do PIONEER is to allow RB to write to the SD Card when exporting.


DAFT that this has not been updated.

DJccccc 0 votos
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My 2c / 50p (UK here..)  I've just got the Areo, having good fun and looking forward to replacing my AA VMS4 with it.

To compliment the Aero, I have a Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet, with Rekordbox installed.  All great (still learning..) - but using the MicroSD would be a great feature.

I've found out that I can get a 64Gb MicroSD card for around £40/$80...  not enough for my main work as a Wedding Jock, but certainly enough to a client playlist and most tracks I would normally play - so a great back up.

The Tablet has 16Gb flash built in, so not enough (when I've got other stuff loaded).


I've also voted this up, so do hope Pioneer can plan this in. 

Jason Clark 0 votos
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Surely this has to be updated, if Pioneer, can change the way the  /mnt/sdcard line on the code, IE where it writes too. This can be programmed in for Android version 1.2


DJccccc 0 votos
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@DJccccc > As noted, this will be addressed in a future update.

Pulse 0 votos
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Just to confirm. the option I would love to see is where you plug the Android (or WIFI) and Export your collection (like you would with a USB stick) directly to the SD CARD on the Android, then the Android devise would be able to just play the analysed files


Currently, its just writing to the internal memory of the APP 


For me this is the future of DJing if we can get this right, though my first preference would be to use a USB HD, and be able to navigate and search on the Ipad (or Android)


Thank you for listening.

DJccccc 0 votos
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