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[CLOSED] BPM range needs to be wider. down to 60bpm

BPM range needs to be wider. down to 60bpm

How about this update?


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Yeah I'm with you on this. I don't understand the reasoning for us to not be able to set the bpm to whatever we want. It sucks playing a hip-hop set when you are playing a 70 bpm song and the next song you want to play is 68 bpm and you have to scroll all the way down your list to 136BPM to find it, and then scroll all the way back up for the next song if it's past 70bpm. really annoying.

All hip-hop DJs I know sort by BPM, so this is extremely annoying and really slows you down in a genre that is based on speed.


Especially with the sync feature on the nexus, if something is set to 140 when mixing in a song at like 128 or so for a transition, it plays the song at double time when it's not supposed to be.

Biacco 0 votos
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It also changes the quantized effects with the DJM 900. Very annoying! Can anyone at Pioneer tell us if this is getting changed?

Chris Young 0 votos
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Yes, it has been suggested already. I haven't received any feedback as to its implementation yet.

Gavin 0 votos
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