@michel > Are you referring to the initial cue at the start of the track? You don't need to push the memory button before setting up the hot cues / loops.
Can somebody please tell me why rekordbox does this? please look at the photo.
When I put my mp3 files in rekordbox and set a cue point i always press the memory button before
setting up a next hotcue or loop.
When I look at it the next time I see that rekordbox makes his own que point.
The rest of the hotques and loops stay in play..
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@michel > Are you referring to the initial cue at the start of the track? You don't need to push the memory button before setting up the hot cues / loops.
@gavin >Yes I'm referring to this initial cue.
What does it mean?
The initial cue is the big cue button above the play button on your CDJ. It is designed to automatically detect the start of the track and set an initial cue point. You can adjust it if you need to.
I always ajust this, but rekordbox always sets it back to some time before my markers... what wrong?
@michel > Rekordbox sets it back or the CDJ sets it back when you go to play it? There is an option on the CDJ to choose "MEMORY" rather than a db level for the initial cue.
How did we save/update to our Main Libary with new cuepoints and loops etc.. from Sd cards or Usb Sticks after gig ?
Just figured it out...just highlight your Sdcard files rightclick and update....Thanks !
@Fredrik > For what?! You did all the figuring out yourself ;)