@Jake > What OS are you on? What CDJs are you using? What make / model is your network switch? Have you tried separating your "DJ network" from your "internet network"?
Seguir[SOLVED] Link wont connect to decks, however rb recognises that there is a link.
All of a sudden, i am unable to link my decks to rb. They were working fine, then a few hours later, i went to link them. The link button still pops up as normal when i power on the decks or connect rb to the network, so it is still recognising that the decks are there. however when i click link, it doesn't connect to them. the link button simply changes from where it has the two arrows pointing either way, to a rectangle with a number 1 inside it. No message comes up where it normally says push the rotary wheel to allow access, no deck symbols come up on rb, and nothing at all comes up on the decks. I haven't changed a single thing since it was working perfectly. I have my decks wired into an 8 way ethernet switch, which is plugged into my internet, and also has a wireless access point plugged into it, so i can normally connect through wifi, or turn that off completely and connect through ethernet. None of them are working now. I have tried unplugging everything from the switch, so only the decks and my computer are plugged into it, and still the same problem.
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my hard drive fried after this, re formatted everything and its all good now, but thanks for the reply
@Jake > Good stuff, glad you got it sorted!