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freeze on exiting

Everytime I quit rekordbox 2.7 on my macbook it freezes when an usb stick is connected. I have to end rekordbox via the taskmanager. If no stick is connected it quits without any problem. I tried to unmount the stick before quitting rekordbox but it won't let me (the device is currently in use by rekordbox).


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If you have moved a playlist to the stick, can you eject the stick and then try to close. What are you using the stick with outside of RB?

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The stick is for rekordbox only and works properly outside rb. I can't eject the stick while rb is open cause even after moving tracks/playlist it says the device is currently in use and can't be ejected. I'll try another stick tomorrow. Maybe it's an Mac os problem cause I already had the problem they itunes could not be closed with an usb stick connected. Only after removing the stick it closed (wasn't the same stick).

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Can be closed. I tried another stick which works perfect without freezing on exit.

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EDIT: Cant believe this. Now also the alternate USB Stick doesnt work (or is it rekordbox ?). When exiting - Freeze. Has to be ended via Taskmananager.

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